Source code for openff.evaluator.workflow.plugins

An API for registering new workflow protocols.

registered_workflow_protocols: dict of str and type of Protocol
    The workflow protocols which have been registered as being
    available to use in property estimations.

registered_workflow_protocols = {}

[docs]def register_workflow_protocol(protocol_class): """Registers a class as being a protocol which may be included in workflows. """ from openff.evaluator.workflow.protocols import Protocol assert issubclass(protocol_class, Protocol) if protocol_class.__name__ in registered_workflow_protocols: raise ValueError(f"The {protocol_class} protocol is already registered.") registered_workflow_protocols[protocol_class.__name__] = protocol_class
[docs]def workflow_protocol(): """A decorator which registers a class as being a protocol which may be included in workflows. """ def decorator(cls): register_workflow_protocol(cls) return cls return decorator