Source code for openff.evaluator.thermodynamics
Defines an API for defining thermodynamic states.
from enum import Enum
from openff.units import unit
from openff.evaluator.attributes import UNDEFINED, Attribute, AttributeClass
class Ensemble(Enum):
"""An enum describing the supported thermodynamic ensembles."""
[docs]class ThermodynamicState(AttributeClass):
"""Data specifying a physical thermodynamic state obeying
Boltzmann statistics.
Equality of two thermodynamic states is determined by comparing
the temperature in kelvin to within 3 decimal places, and comparing
the pressure (if defined) in pascals to within 3 decimal places.
Specify an NPT state at 298 K and 1 atm pressure.
>>> state = ThermodynamicState(temperature=298.0*unit.kelvin, pressure=1.0*unit.atmospheres)
Note that the pressure is only relevant for periodic systems.
temperature = Attribute(
docstring="The external temperature.", type_hint=unit.Quantity
pressure = Attribute(
docstring="The external pressure.", type_hint=unit.Quantity, optional=True
def inverse_beta(self):
"""Returns the temperature multiplied by the molar gas constant"""
return (self.temperature * unit.molar_gas_constant).to(
unit.kilojoule / unit.mole
def beta(self):
"""Returns one divided by the temperature multiplied by the molar gas constant"""
return 1.0 / self.inverse_beta
[docs] def __init__(self, temperature=None, pressure=None):
"""Constructs a new ThermodynamicState object.
temperature : openff.evaluator.unit.Quantity
The external temperature
pressure : openff.evaluator.unit.Quantity
The external pressure
if temperature is not None:
self.temperature = temperature
if pressure is not None:
self.pressure = pressure
[docs] def validate(self, attribute_type=None):
super(ThermodynamicState, self).validate(attribute_type)
if self.pressure != UNDEFINED:
assert self.pressure > 0.0 * unit.pascals
assert self.temperature > 0.0 * unit.kelvin
def __repr__(self):
return f"<ThermodynamicState {str(self)}>"
def __str__(self):
return_value = f"T={self.temperature:~}"
if self.pressure != UNDEFINED:
return_value += f" P={self.pressure:~}"
return return_value
def __hash__(self):
temperature =
pressure = (
if self.pressure == UNDEFINED
return hash(
(f"{temperature:.3f}", None if pressure is None else f"{pressure:.3f}")
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ThermodynamicState):
return False
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)