An API for defining and creating substances.
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from openff.units import unit
from openff.evaluator.attributes import Attribute, AttributeClass
from openff.evaluator.substances import Amount, Component, ExactAmount, MoleFraction
[docs]class Substance(AttributeClass):
"""Defines the components, their amounts, and their roles in a system.
A neat liquid containing only a single component:
>>> from openff.evaluator.substances import Component, ExactAmount, MoleFraction
>>> liquid = Substance()
>>> liquid.add_component(Component(smiles='O'), MoleFraction(1.0))
A binary mixture containing two components, where the mole fractions are explicitly stated:
>>> binary_mixture = Substance()
>>> binary_mixture.add_component(Component(smiles='O'), MoleFraction(0.2))
>>> binary_mixture.add_component(Component(smiles='CO'), MoleFraction(0.8))
The infinite dilution of one molecule within a bulk solvent or mixture may also be specified
by defining the exact number of copies of that molecule, rather than a mole fraction:
>>> benzene = Component(smiles='C1=CC=CC=C1', role=Component.Role.Solute)
>>> water = Component(smiles='O', role=Component.Role.Solvent)
>>> infinite_dilution = Substance()
>>> infinite_dilution.add_component(component=benzene, amount=ExactAmount(1)) # Infinite dilution.
>>> infinite_dilution.add_component(component=water, amount=MoleFraction(1.0))
In this example we explicitly flag benzene as being the solute and the water component the solvent.
This enables workflow's to easily identify key molecules of interest, such as the molecule which should
be 'grown' into solution during solvation free energy calculations.
components = Attribute(
docstring="A list of all of the components in this substance.",
amounts = Attribute(
docstring="the amounts of the component in this substance",
def identifier(self):
"""str: A unique str representation of this substance, which encodes all
components and their amounts in the substance."""
return self._get_identifier()
def number_of_components(self):
"""int: The number of different components in this substance."""
return len(self.components)
def _get_identifier(self):
"""Generates a unique string identifier for this substance, which
encodes all components and their amounts in the substance
The string identifier.
component_identifiers = [component.identifier for component in self.components]
identifier_split = []
for component_identifier in component_identifiers:
component_amounts = sorted(
self.amounts[component_identifier], key=lambda x: type(x).__name__
amount_identifier = ",".join(
[component_amount.identifier for component_amount in component_amounts]
identifier = f"{component_identifier}{{{amount_identifier}}}"
return "|".join(identifier_split)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_components(cls, *components):
"""Creates a new `Substance` object from a list of components.
This method assumes that all components should be present with
equal mole fractions.
components: Component or str
The components to add to the substance. These may either be full
`Component` objects or just the smiles representation
of the component.
The substance containing the requested components in equal amounts.
if len(components) == 0:
raise ValueError("At least one component must be specified")
mole_fraction = 1.0 / len(components)
return_substance = cls()
for component in components:
if isinstance(component, str):
component = Component(smiles=component)
return_substance.add_component(component, MoleFraction(mole_fraction))
return return_substance
[docs] def add_component(self, component, amount):
"""Add a component to the Substance. If the component is already present in
the substance, then the mole fraction will be added to the current mole
fraction of that component.
component : Component
The component to add to the system.
amount : Amount
The amount of this component in the substance.
assert isinstance(component, Component)
assert isinstance(amount, Amount)
if isinstance(amount, MoleFraction):
total_mole_fraction = amount.value
for component_identifier in self.amounts:
total_mole_fraction += sum(
for amount in self.amounts[component_identifier]
if isinstance(amount, MoleFraction)
if np.isclose(total_mole_fraction, 1.0):
total_mole_fraction = 1.0
if total_mole_fraction > 1.0:
raise ValueError(
f"The total mole fraction of this substance {total_mole_fraction} exceeds 1.0"
if component.identifier not in self.amounts:
components = (*self.components, component)
self._set_value("components", components)
existing_amount_of_type = None
all_amounts = (
if component.identifier not in self.amounts
else self.amounts[component.identifier]
remaining_amounts = []
# Check to see if an amount of the same type already exists in
# the substance, such that this amount should be appended to it.
for existing_amount in all_amounts:
if not type(existing_amount) is type(amount):
existing_amount_of_type = existing_amount
if existing_amount_of_type is not None:
# Append any existing amounts to the new amount.
amount = type(amount)(existing_amount_of_type.value + amount.value)
amounts = dict(self.amounts)
amounts[component.identifier] = tuple(remaining_amounts)
self._set_value("amounts", amounts)
[docs] def get_amounts(self, component):
"""Returns the amounts of the component in this substance.
component: str or Component
The component (or it's identifier) to retrieve the amount of.
tuple of Amount
The amounts of the component in this substance.
assert isinstance(component, str) or isinstance(component, Component)
identifier = component if isinstance(component, str) else component.identifier
return self.amounts[identifier]
[docs] def to_substance_n_molecules(
maximum_molecules: int,
) -> "Substance":
Returns a new substance given a maximum total number of molecules.
maximum_molecules: int
The maximum number of molecules.
tolerance: float, optional
The tolerance within which this amount should be represented. As
an example, when converting a mole fraction into a number of molecules,
the total number of molecules may not be sufficiently large enough to
reproduce this amount.
count_exact_amount: bool
Whether components present in an exact amount (i.e. defined with an
``ExactAmount``) should be considered when apply the maximum number
of molecules constraint. This may be set false, for example, when
building a separate solvated protein (n = 1) and solvated protein +
ligand complex (n = 2) system but wish for both systems to have the
same number of solvent molecules.
truncate_n_molecules: bool
Whether or not to attempt to truncate the number of molecules in the
substance if the total number is over the specified maximum. If False, an
exception will be raised in this case.
The truncation works by iteratively removing one molecule of the
predominant component up to a limit of removing a total number of molecules
equal to the number of components in the substance (e.g. for a binary
substance a maximum of two molecules can be removed). An exception is
raised if the number of molecules cannot be sensibly truncated.
molecules_per_component = self.get_molecules_per_component(
new_amounts = defaultdict(list)
total_number_of_molecules = sum(molecules_per_component.values())
# Handle any exact amounts.
for component in self.components:
exact_amounts = [
for amount in self.get_amounts(component)
if isinstance(amount, ExactAmount)
if len(exact_amounts) == 0:
total_number_of_molecules -= exact_amounts[0].value
# Recompute the mole fractions.
total_mole_fraction = 0.0
number_of_new_mole_fractions = 0
for component in self.components:
mole_fractions = [
for amount in self.get_amounts(component)
if isinstance(amount, MoleFraction)
if len(mole_fractions) == 0:
molecule_count = molecules_per_component[component.identifier]
if component in new_amounts:
molecule_count -= new_amounts[component][0].value
new_mole_fraction = molecule_count / total_number_of_molecules
total_mole_fraction += new_mole_fraction
number_of_new_mole_fractions += 1
if (
not np.isclose(total_mole_fraction, 1.0)
and number_of_new_mole_fractions > 0
raise ValueError("The new mole fraction does not equal 1.0")
output_substance = Substance()
for component, amounts in new_amounts.items():
for amount in amounts:
output_substance.add_component(component, amount)
return output_substance
[docs] def get_molecules_per_component(
"""Returns the number of molecules for each component in this substance,
given a maximum total number of molecules.
maximum_molecules: int
The maximum number of molecules.
tolerance: float, optional
The tolerance within which this amount should be represented. As
an example, when converting a mole fraction into a number of molecules,
the total number of molecules may not be sufficiently large enough to
reproduce this amount.
count_exact_amount: bool
Whether components present in an exact amount (i.e. defined with an
``ExactAmount``) should be considered when apply the maximum number
of molecules constraint. This may be set false, for example, when
building a separate solvated protein (n = 1) and solvated protein +
ligand complex (n = 2) system but wish for both systems to have the
same number of solvent molecules.
truncate_n_molecules: bool
Whether or not to attempt to truncate the number of molecules in the
substance if the total number is over the specified maximum. If False, an
exception will be raised in this case.
The truncation works by iteratively removing one molecule of the
predominant component up to a limit of removing a total number of molecules
equal to the number of components in the substance (e.g. for a binary
substance a maximum of two molecules can be removed). An exception is
raised if the number of molecules cannot be sensibly truncated.
dict of str and int
A dictionary of molecule counts per component, where each key is
a component identifier.
remaining_molecule_slots = maximum_molecules
for index, component in enumerate(self.components):
amounts = self.amounts[component.identifier]
for amount in amounts:
if not isinstance(amount, ExactAmount) or not count_exact_amount:
remaining_molecule_slots -= amount.value
if remaining_molecule_slots < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"The required number of molecules {maximum_molecules - remaining_molecule_slots} "
f"exceeds the provided maximum number ({maximum_molecules})."
# Track the total number of molecules.
n_molecules = defaultdict(int)
# Track the number of molecules added from mole fraction amounts.
n_mole_fractions = defaultdict(int)
for component in self.components:
for amount in self.amounts[component.identifier]:
n_amount_molecules = amount.to_number_of_molecules(
remaining_molecule_slots, tolerance
n_molecules[component.identifier] += n_amount_molecules
if isinstance(amount, MoleFraction):
n_mole_fractions[component.identifier] += n_amount_molecules
# Attempt to fix rounding issues which lead to more molecules being added than
# the maximum.
total_molecules = (
if count_exact_amount
else sum(n_mole_fractions.values())
max_truncation_attempts = len(self.components)
n_truncation_attempts = 0
while (
and total_molecules > maximum_molecules
and sum(n_mole_fractions.values()) > 0
and n_truncation_attempts < max_truncation_attempts
largest_component = max(
n_mole_fractions.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)
n_molecules[largest_component] -= 1
n_mole_fractions[largest_component] -= 1
total_molecules = (
if count_exact_amount
else sum(n_mole_fractions.values())
n_truncation_attempts += 1
if total_molecules > maximum_molecules:
raise ValueError(
f"The total number of molecules ({total_molecules}) exceeds the maximum "
f"number ({maximum_molecules}). This should not be able to happen."
return n_molecules
[docs] @staticmethod
def calculate_aqueous_ionic_mole_fraction(ionic_strength):
"""Determines what mole fraction of ions is needed to yield
an aqueous system of a given ionic strength.
ionic_strength: openff.evaluator.unit.Quantity
The ionic string in units of molar.
The mole fraction of ions.
# Taken from YANK:
# https://github.com/choderalab/yank/blob/4dfcc8e127c51c20180fe6caeb49fcb1f21730c6/Yank/pipeline.py#L1869
water_molarity = (998.23 * unit.gram / unit.litre) / (
18.01528 * unit.gram / unit.mole
ionic_mole_fraction = ionic_strength / (ionic_strength + water_molarity)
return ionic_mole_fraction
def __str__(self):
return self.identifier
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Substance {str(self)}>"
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.identifier)
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) is type(other) and hash(self) == hash(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __setstate__(self, state):
# Handle the list -> tuple conversion manually.
assert "amounts" in state
for key in state["amounts"]:
assert isinstance(state["amounts"][key], (list, tuple))
state["amounts"][key] = tuple(state["amounts"][key])
super(Substance, self).__setstate__(state)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.components)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.components)
[docs] def validate(self, attribute_type=None):
super(Substance, self).validate(attribute_type)
# Validate all of the components.
assert all(isinstance(x, Component) for x in self.components)
assert all(x.identifier in self.amounts for x in self.components)
# Validate the amounts
assert all(x.identifier in self.amounts for x in self.components)
assert all(isinstance(x, tuple) for x in self.amounts.values())
assert all(len(x) > 0 for x in self.amounts.values())
for component in self.components:
amounts = self.amounts[component.identifier]
assert all(isinstance(x, Amount) for x in amounts)
for amount in amounts:
contains_mole_fraction = any(
isinstance(x, MoleFraction) for y in self.amounts.values() for x in y
if contains_mole_fraction:
total_mole_fraction = 0.0
for component_identifier in self.amounts:
total_mole_fraction += sum(
for amount in self.amounts[component_identifier]
if isinstance(amount, MoleFraction)
if not np.isclose(total_mole_fraction, 1.0):
raise ValueError(
f"The total mole fraction of this substance "
f"({total_mole_fraction}) must equal 1.0"