Source code for openff.evaluator.layers.workflow

"""Provides base classes for calculation layers which will
use the built-in workflow framework to estimate the set of
physical properties.

import abc
import copy
import logging
import os

from openff.evaluator.attributes import UNDEFINED, Attribute
from openff.evaluator.datasets import CalculationSource
from openff.evaluator.layers import (
from openff.evaluator.workflow import Workflow, WorkflowGraph, WorkflowSchema

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WorkflowCalculationLayer(CalculationLayer, abc.ABC): """An calculation layer which uses the built-in workflow framework to estimate sets of physical properties. """ @staticmethod def _get_workflow_metadata( working_directory, physical_property, force_field_path, parameter_gradient_keys, storage_backend, calculation_schema, ): """Returns the global metadata to pass to the workflow. Parameters ---------- working_directory: str The local directory in which to store all local, temporary calculation data from this workflow. physical_property : PhysicalProperty The property that the workflow will estimate. force_field_path : str The path to the force field parameters to use in the workflow. parameter_gradient_keys: list of ParameterGradientKey A list of references to all of the parameters which all observables should be differentiated with respect to. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend used to store / retrieve data from previous calculations. calculation_schema: WorkflowCalculationSchema The schema containing all of this layers options. Returns ------- dict of str and Any, optional The global metadata to make available to a workflow. Returns `None` if the required metadata could not be found / assembled. """ target_uncertainty = None if calculation_schema.absolute_tolerance != UNDEFINED: target_uncertainty = calculation_schema.absolute_tolerance elif calculation_schema.relative_tolerance != UNDEFINED: target_uncertainty = ( physical_property.uncertainty * calculation_schema.relative_tolerance ) global_metadata = Workflow.generate_default_metadata( physical_property, force_field_path, parameter_gradient_keys, target_uncertainty, ) return global_metadata @classmethod def _build_workflow_graph( cls, working_directory, storage_backend, properties, force_field_path, parameter_gradient_keys, options, ): """Construct a graph of the protocols needed to calculate a set of properties. Parameters ---------- working_directory: str The local directory in which to store all local, temporary calculation data from this graph. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend used to store / retrieve data from previous calculations. properties : list of PhysicalProperty The properties to attempt to compute. force_field_path : str The path to the force field parameters to use in the workflow. parameter_gradient_keys: list of ParameterGradientKey A list of references to all of the parameters which all observables should be differentiated with respect to. options: RequestOptions The options to run the workflows with. """ provenance = {} workflows = [] for index, physical_property in enumerate(properties):"Building workflow {index} of {len(properties)}") property_type = type(physical_property).__name__ # Make sure a schema has been defined for this class of property # and this layer. if ( property_type not in options.calculation_schemas or cls.__name__ not in options.calculation_schemas[property_type] ): continue schema = options.calculation_schemas[property_type][cls.__name__] # Make sure the calculation schema is the correct type for this layer. assert isinstance(schema, WorkflowCalculationSchema) assert isinstance(schema, cls.required_schema_type()) global_metadata = cls._get_workflow_metadata( working_directory, physical_property, force_field_path, parameter_gradient_keys, storage_backend, schema, ) if global_metadata is None: # Make sure we have metadata returned for this # property, e.g. we have data to reweight if # required. continue workflow = Workflow(global_metadata, workflow.schema = schema.workflow_schema workflows.append(workflow) workflow_graph = WorkflowGraph() workflow_graph.add_workflows(*workflows) for workflow in workflows: provenance[workflow.uuid] = CalculationSource( fidelity=cls.__name__, provenance=workflow.schema.json() ) return workflow_graph, provenance
[docs] @staticmethod def workflow_to_layer_result(queued_properties, provenance, workflow_results, **_): """Converts a list of `WorkflowResult` to a list of `CalculationLayerResult` objects. Parameters ---------- queued_properties: list of PhysicalProperty The properties being estimated by this layer provenance: dict of str and str The provenance of each property. workflow_results: list of WorkflowResult The results of each workflow. Returns ------- list of CalculationLayerResult The calculation layer result objects. """ properties_by_id = { x for x in queued_properties} results = [] for workflow_result in workflow_results: calculation_result = CalculationLayerResult() calculation_result.exceptions.extend(workflow_result.exceptions) results.append(calculation_result) if len(calculation_result.exceptions) > 0: continue physical_property = properties_by_id[workflow_result.workflow_id] physical_property = copy.deepcopy(physical_property) physical_property.source = provenance[] physical_property.value = workflow_result.value.value physical_property.uncertainty = workflow_result.value.error if len(workflow_result.gradients) > 0: physical_property.gradients = workflow_result.gradients calculation_result.physical_property = physical_property calculation_result.data_to_store.extend(workflow_result.data_to_store) return results
@classmethod def _schedule_calculation( cls, calculation_backend, storage_backend, layer_directory, batch, ): # Store a temporary copy of the force field for protocols to easily access. force_field_source = storage_backend.retrieve_force_field(batch.force_field_id) force_field_path = os.path.join(layer_directory, batch.force_field_id) with open(force_field_path, "w") as file: file.write(force_field_source.json()) workflow_graph, provenance = cls._build_workflow_graph( layer_directory, storage_backend, batch.queued_properties, force_field_path, batch.parameter_gradient_keys, batch.options, ) workflow_futures = workflow_graph.execute(layer_directory, calculation_backend) future = calculation_backend.submit_task( WorkflowCalculationLayer.workflow_to_layer_result, batch.queued_properties, provenance, workflow_futures, ) return [future]
[docs]class WorkflowCalculationSchema(CalculationLayerSchema): """A schema which encodes the options and the workflow schema that a `CalculationLayer` should use when estimating a given class of physical properties using the built-in workflow framework. """ workflow_schema = Attribute( docstring="The workflow schema to use when estimating properties.", type_hint=WorkflowSchema, default_value=UNDEFINED, )
[docs] def validate(self, attribute_type=None): super(WorkflowCalculationSchema, self).validate(attribute_type) self.workflow_schema.validate()