Source code for openff.evaluator.layers.layers

Defines the base API for defining new openff-evaluator estimation layers.

import abc
import collections
import logging
from os import path

from openff.units import unit

from openff.evaluator.attributes import (
from openff.evaluator.datasets import PhysicalProperty
from import BaseStoredData, StoredSimulationData
from openff.evaluator.utils.exceptions import EvaluatorException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def return_args(*args, **_):
    return args

[docs]class CalculationLayerResult(AttributeClass): """The result of attempting to estimate a property using a `CalculationLayer`. """ physical_property = Attribute( docstring="The estimated property (if the layer was successful).", type_hint=PhysicalProperty, optional=True, ) data_to_store = Attribute( docstring="Paths to the data objects to store.", type_hint=list, default_value=[], ) exceptions = Attribute( docstring="Any exceptions raised by the layer while estimating the " "property.", type_hint=list, default_value=[], )
[docs] def validate(self, attribute_type=None): super(CalculationLayerResult, self).validate(attribute_type) assert all(isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) for x in self.data_to_store) assert all(len(x) == 2 for x in self.data_to_store) assert all(all(isinstance(y, str) for y in x) for x in self.data_to_store) assert all(isinstance(x, EvaluatorException) for x in self.exceptions)
[docs]class CalculationLayerSchema(AttributeClass): """A schema which encodes the options that a `CalculationLayer` should use when estimating a given class of physical properties. """ absolute_tolerance = Attribute( docstring="The absolute uncertainty that the property should " "be estimated to within. This attribute is mutually exclusive " "with the `relative_tolerance` attribute.", type_hint=unit.Quantity, default_value=UNDEFINED, optional=True, ) relative_tolerance = Attribute( docstring="The relative uncertainty that the property should " "be estimated to within, i.e `relative_tolerance * " "measured_property.uncertainty`. This attribute is mutually " "exclusive with the `absolute_tolerance` attribute.", type_hint=float, default_value=UNDEFINED, optional=True, )
[docs] def validate(self, attribute_type=None): if ( self.absolute_tolerance != UNDEFINED and self.relative_tolerance != UNDEFINED ): raise ValueError( "Only one of `absolute_tolerance` and `relative_tolerance` " "can be set." ) super(CalculationLayerSchema, self).validate(attribute_type)
[docs]class CalculationLayer(abc.ABC): """An abstract representation of a calculation layer whose goal is to estimate a set of physical properties using a single approach, such as a layer which employs direct simulations to estimate properties, or one which reweights cached simulation data to the same end. """
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def required_schema_type(cls): """Returns the type of `CalculationLayerSchema` required by this layer. Returns ------- type of CalculationLayerSchema The required schema type. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@staticmethod def _await_results( layer_name, calculation_backend, storage_backend, batch, callback, submitted_futures, synchronous=False, ): """A helper method to handle passing the results of this layer back to the main thread. Parameters ---------- layer_name: str The name of the layer processing the results. calculation_backend: CalculationBackend The backend to the submit the calculations to. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend used to store / retrieve data from previous calculations. batch: Batch The request object which spawned the awaited results. callback: function The function to call when the backend returns the results (or an error). submitted_futures: list of dask.distributed.Future A list of the futures returned by the backed when submitting the calculation. synchronous: bool If true, this function will block until the calculation has completed. """ callback_future = calculation_backend.submit_task( return_args, *submitted_futures ) def callback_wrapper(results_future): CalculationLayer._process_results( results_future, batch, layer_name, storage_backend, callback ) if synchronous: callback_wrapper(callback_future) else: callback_future.add_done_callback(callback_wrapper) @staticmethod def _store_cached_output(batch, returned_output, storage_backend): """Stores any cached pieces of simulation data using a storage backend. Parameters ---------- batch: Batch The request which generated the cached data. returned_output: CalculationLayerResult The layer result which contains the cached data. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend to use to store the cached data. """ for data_tuple in returned_output.data_to_store: data_object_path, data_directory_path = data_tuple # Make sure the data directory / file to store actually exists if not path.isdir(data_directory_path) or not path.isfile(data_object_path): f"Invalid data directory ({data_directory_path}) / " f"file ({data_object_path})" ) continue # Attach any extra metadata which is missing. data_object = BaseStoredData.from_json(data_object_path) if isinstance(data_object, StoredSimulationData): if isinstance(data_object.force_field_id, PlaceholderValue): data_object.force_field_id = batch.force_field_id if isinstance(data_object.source_calculation_id, PlaceholderValue): data_object.source_calculation_id = storage_backend.store_object(data_object, data_directory_path) @staticmethod def _process_results(results_future, batch, layer_name, storage_backend, callback): """Processes the results of a calculation layer, updates the server request, then passes it back to the callback ready for propagation to the next layer in the stack. Parameters ---------- results_future: distributed.Future The future object which will hold the results. batch: Batch The batch which spawned the awaited results. layer_name: str The name of the layer processing the results. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend used to store / retrieve data from previous calculations. callback: function The function to call when the backend returns the results (or an error). """ # Wrap everything in a try catch to make sure the whole calculation backend / # server doesn't go down when an unexpected exception occurs. try: results = list(results_future.result()) if len(results) > 0 and isinstance(results[0], results = results[0] results_future.release() for returned_output in results: if returned_output is None: # Indicates the layer could not calculate this # particular property. continue if not isinstance(returned_output, CalculationLayerResult): # Make sure we are actually dealing with the object we expect. raise ValueError( "The output of the calculation was not " "a CalculationLayerResult as expected." ) if len(returned_output.exceptions) > 0: # If exceptions were raised, make sure to add them to the list. batch.exceptions.extend(returned_output.exceptions) f"Exceptions were raised while executing batch {}" ) for exception in returned_output.exceptions: else: # Make sure to store any important calculation data if no exceptions # were thrown. if ( returned_output.data_to_store is not None and batch.enable_data_caching ): CalculationLayer._store_cached_output( batch, returned_output, storage_backend ) matches = [] if returned_output.physical_property != UNDEFINED: matches = [ x for x in batch.queued_properties if == ] if len(matches) > 1: raise ValueError( f"A property id ({}) " f"conflict occurred." ) elif len(matches) == 0: "A calculation layer returned results for a property not in " "the queue. This sometimes and expectedly occurs when using " "queue based calculation backends, but should be investigated." ) continue if returned_output.physical_property == UNDEFINED: if len(returned_output.exceptions) == 0: "A calculation layer did not return an estimated property nor did it " "raise an Exception. This sometimes and expectedly occurs when using " "queue based calculation backends, but should be investigated." ) continue if len(returned_output.exceptions) > 0: continue # Check that the property has been estimated to within the # requested tolerance. uncertainty = returned_output.physical_property.uncertainty options = batch.options.calculation_schemas[ returned_output.physical_property.__class__.__name__ ][layer_name] if ( options.absolute_tolerance != UNDEFINED and options.absolute_tolerance < uncertainty ): continue elif ( options.relative_tolerance != UNDEFINED and options.relative_tolerance * uncertainty < uncertainty ): continue # Move the property from queued to estimated. for match in matches: batch.queued_properties.remove(match) batch.estimated_properties.append(returned_output.physical_property) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error processing layer results for request {}") exception = EvaluatorException.from_exception(e) batch.exceptions.append(exception) callback(batch) @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _schedule_calculation( cls, calculation_backend, storage_backend, layer_directory, batch ): """The implementation of the `schedule_calculation` method which is responsible for handling the main layer logic. Parameters ---------- calculation_backend: CalculationBackend The backend to the submit the calculations to. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend used to store / retrieve data from previous calculations. layer_directory: str The directory in which to store all temporary calculation data from this layer. batch: Batch The batch of properties to estimate with the layer. Returns ------- list of Future The future objects which will yield the finished `CalculationLayerResult` objects. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def schedule_calculation( cls, calculation_backend, storage_backend, layer_directory, batch, callback, synchronous=False, ): """Submit the proposed calculation to the backend of choice. Parameters ---------- calculation_backend: CalculationBackend The backend to the submit the calculations to. storage_backend: StorageBackend The backend used to store / retrieve data from previous calculations. layer_directory: str The directory in which to store all temporary calculation data from this layer. batch: Batch The batch of properties to estimate with the layer. callback: function The function to call when the backend returns the results (or an error). synchronous: bool If true, this function will block until the calculation has completed. This is mainly intended for debugging purposes. """ futures = cls._schedule_calculation( calculation_backend, storage_backend, layer_directory, batch ) cls._await_results( cls.__name__, calculation_backend, storage_backend, batch, callback, futures, synchronous, )