Source code for openff.evaluator.datasets.curation.components.conversion

"""The module contains curation components for converting one type of property (e.g.
density) into another (e.g excess molar volume)"""

import functools
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import pandas
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.evaluator._pydantic import Field
from openff.evaluator.datasets.curation.components import (

    conint = int
    PositiveInt = int
    PositiveFloat = float

    from openff.evaluator._pydantic import conint

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConvertExcessDensityDataSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["ConvertExcessDensityDataSchema"] = "ConvertExcessDensityDataSchema" temperature_precision: conint(ge=0) = Field( 2, description="The number of decimal places to compare temperatures (K) to " "within when attempting to identify compatible pure and binary data.", ) pressure_precision: conint(ge=0) = Field( 1, description="The number of decimal places to compare pressures (kPa) to " "within when attempting to identify compatible pure and binary data.", )
[docs]class ConvertExcessDensityData(CurationComponent): """A component for converting binary mass density data to excess molar volume data and vice versa where pure density data measured for the components is available. Notes ----- This protocol may result in duplicate data points being generated. It is recommended to apply the de-duplication filter after this component has been applied. """ @classmethod @functools.lru_cache(500) def _molecular_weight(cls, smiles): from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule molecule = Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True) # Atom.mass is guaranteed to be in Daltons molecular_weight = sum(atom.mass.m for atom in molecule.atoms) return molecular_weight @classmethod def _find_overlapping_data_points( cls, pure_data_set: pandas.DataFrame, binary_data_set: pandas.DataFrame, schema: ConvertExcessDensityDataSchema, ): """Finds those binary data points for which there also exists pure data points for each component in the binary system. Parameters ---------- pure_data_set The pure data set. binary_data_set The binary data set. schema The schema for this component. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The data set containing the pure and binary data points measured for the same substances at the same state pounts """ if len(pure_data_set) == 0 or len(binary_data_set) == 0: return pandas.DataFrame() pure_data_set = pure_data_set.dropna(axis=1, how="all") binary_data_set = binary_data_set.dropna(axis=1, how="all") # Round the floats which will be compared. pure_data_set["Temperature (K)"] = pure_data_set["Temperature (K)"].round( schema.temperature_precision ) pure_data_set["Pressure (kPa)"] = pure_data_set["Pressure (kPa)"].round( schema.pressure_precision ) binary_data_set["Temperature (K)"] = binary_data_set["Temperature (K)"].round( schema.temperature_precision ) binary_data_set["Pressure (kPa)"] = binary_data_set["Pressure (kPa)"].round( schema.pressure_precision ) # Only consider pure measurements which only have mole fractions defined if "Exact Amount 1" in pure_data_set: pure_data_set = pure_data_set[pure_data_set["Exact Amount 1"].isna()] if "Mole Fraction 1" not in pure_data_set: return pandas.DataFrame() pure_data_set = pure_data_set[pure_data_set["Mole Fraction 1"].notna()] # Retain only the minimally informative pure data columns. data_columns = [ "Temperature (K)", "Pressure (kPa)", "Phase", "Component 1", "Density Value (g / ml)", "Source", ] if "Density Uncertainty (g / ml)" in pure_data_set: data_columns.append("Density Uncertainty (g / ml)") pure_data_set = pure_data_set[data_columns] pure_data_set = pandas.merge( pure_data_set, pure_data_set, how="inner", on=["Temperature (K)", "Pressure (kPa)", "Phase"], ) overlapping_set = pandas.merge( binary_data_set, pure_data_set, how="inner", left_on=[ "Temperature (K)", "Pressure (kPa)", "Phase", "Component 1", "Component 2", ], right_on=[ "Temperature (K)", "Pressure (kPa)", "Phase", "Component 1_x", "Component 1_y", ], suffixes=("", ""), ) return overlapping_set @classmethod def _convert_density_to_v_excess( cls, density_data_set: pandas.DataFrame ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Converts a pandas data frame containing both binary mass densities and pure mass densities into one which contains excess molar volume measurements. Parameters ---------- density_data_set The data frame containing both pure and binary density measurements. This should be generated using the `find_overlapping_data_points` function. Returns ------- A data frame which contains the excess molar volume measurements. """ m_1 = density_data_set["Component 1"].apply(cls._molecular_weight) m_1_x_1 = m_1 * density_data_set["Mole Fraction 1"] m_2 = density_data_set["Component 2"].apply(cls._molecular_weight) m_2_x_2 = m_2 * density_data_set["Mole Fraction 2"] v_excess = ( (m_1_x_1 + m_2_x_2) / density_data_set["Density Value (g / ml)"] - m_1_x_1 / density_data_set["Density Value (g / ml)_x"] - m_2_x_2 / density_data_set["Density Value (g / ml)_y"] ) source = density_data_set[["Source", "Source_x", "Source_y"]].agg( " + ".join, axis=1 ) # Add the new values to a new data frame. columns_to_drop = [ x for x in density_data_set if x.endswith("_x") or x.endswith("_y") ] columns_to_drop.append("Density Value (g / ml)") columns_to_drop.append("Source") if "Density Uncertainty (g / ml)" in density_data_set: columns_to_drop.append("Density Uncertainty (g / ml)") v_excess_data_set = density_data_set.drop(columns=columns_to_drop).copy() v_excess_data_set.insert( v_excess_data_set.shape[1], "ExcessMolarVolume Value (cm ** 3 / mol)", v_excess, ) v_excess_data_set.insert(v_excess_data_set.shape[1], "Source", source) return v_excess_data_set @classmethod def _convert_v_excess_to_density( cls, v_excess_data_set: pandas.DataFrame ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Converts a pandas data frame containing both excess molar volumes and pure mass densities into one which contains binary mass density measurements. Parameters ---------- v_excess_data_set The data frame containing both pure density and excess molar volume measurements. This should be generated using the `find_overlapping_data_points` function. Returns ------- A data frame which contains the excess molar volume measurements. """ m_1 = v_excess_data_set["Component 1"].apply(cls._molecular_weight) m_1_x_1 = m_1 * v_excess_data_set["Mole Fraction 1"] m_2 = v_excess_data_set["Component 2"].apply(cls._molecular_weight) m_2_x_2 = m_2 * v_excess_data_set["Mole Fraction 2"] v_excess = v_excess_data_set["ExcessMolarVolume Value (cm ** 3 / mol)"] denominator = ( v_excess + m_1_x_1 / v_excess_data_set["Density Value (g / ml)_x"] + m_2_x_2 / v_excess_data_set["Density Value (g / ml)_y"] ) rho_binary = (m_1_x_1 + m_2_x_2) / denominator source = v_excess_data_set[["Source", "Source_x", "Source_y"]].agg( " + ".join, axis=1 ) # Add the new values to a new data frame. columns_to_drop = [ x for x in v_excess_data_set if x.endswith("_x") or x.endswith("_y") ] columns_to_drop.append("ExcessMolarVolume Value (cm ** 3 / mol)") columns_to_drop.append("Source") if "ExcessMolarVolume Uncertainty (cm ** 3 / mol)" in v_excess_data_set: columns_to_drop.append("ExcessMolarVolume Uncertainty (cm ** 3 / mol)") density_data_set = v_excess_data_set.drop(columns=columns_to_drop).copy() density_data_set.insert( density_data_set.shape[1] - 1, "Density Value (g / ml)", rho_binary ) density_data_set.insert(density_data_set.shape[1] - 1, "Source", source) return density_data_set @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: ConvertExcessDensityDataSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: if len(data_frame) == 0: return data_frame # Check to make sure the data frame contains at least a # density column which may store pure densities. if "Density Value (g / ml)" not in data_frame: return data_frame # Separate out the data sets of interest pure_density_data = data_frame[ (data_frame["Density Value (g / ml)"].notna()) & (data_frame["N Components"] == 1) ] pure_density_data = pure_density_data.dropna(axis=1, how="all") # Exit early if no pure densities can be found. if len(pure_density_data) == 0: return data_frame # Add the pure data to the binary data sets to make conversion easier. binary_density_data = data_frame[ (data_frame["Density Value (g / ml)"].notna()) & (data_frame["N Components"] == 2) ] binary_density_data = binary_density_data.dropna(axis=1, how="all") binary_density_data = cls._find_overlapping_data_points( pure_density_data, binary_density_data, schema ) v_excess_data = pandas.DataFrame() if "ExcessMolarVolume Value (cm ** 3 / mol)" in data_frame: v_excess_data = data_frame[ (data_frame["ExcessMolarVolume Value (cm ** 3 / mol)"].notna()) & (data_frame["N Components"] == 2) ] v_excess_data = v_excess_data.dropna(axis=1, how="all") v_excess_data = cls._find_overlapping_data_points( pure_density_data, v_excess_data, schema ) if len(binary_density_data) == 0 and len(v_excess_data) == 0: return data_frame # Inter-convert the two sets data_to_concat = [data_frame] if len(binary_density_data) > 0: v_excess_from_density = cls._convert_density_to_v_excess( binary_density_data ) data_to_concat.append(v_excess_from_density) if len(v_excess_data) > 0: density_from_v_excess = cls._convert_v_excess_to_density(v_excess_data) data_to_concat.append(density_from_v_excess) if len(data_to_concat) > 1: converted_data = pandas.concat( data_to_concat, ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) else: converted_data = data_frame return converted_data
ConversionComponentSchema = Union[ConvertExcessDensityDataSchema]