
class openff.evaluator.client.BatchMode(value)[source]

The different modes in which a server can batch together properties to estimate.

This enum may take values of

  • SameComponents: All properties measured for substances containing exactly the same components will be placed into a single batch. E.g. The density of a 80:20 and a 20:80 mix of ethanol and water would be batched together, but the density of pure ethanol and the density of pure water would be placed into separate batches.

  • SharedComponents: All properties measured for substances containing at least common component will be batched together. E.g.The densities of 80:20 and 20:80 mixtures of ethanol and water, and the pure densities of ethanol and water would be batched together.

  • NoBatch: No batching will be performed. Each property will be estimated in a single, sequentially-increasing batch.

Properties will only be marked as estimated by the server when all properties in a single batch are completed.




