Source code for openff.evaluator.datasets.taproom.taproom

An API for importing a data set from the `taproom
<>`_ package.

import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import yaml
from openff.units import unit

from openff.evaluator.datasets import PhysicalPropertyDataSet, PropertyPhase, Source
from import HostGuestBindingAffinity
from openff.evaluator.substances import Component, ExactAmount, MoleFraction, Substance
from openff.evaluator.thermodynamics import ThermodynamicState
from openff.evaluator.utils.exceptions import MissingOptionalDependency

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TaproomSource(Source): """Contains metadata about the source of a host-guest binding affinity measurement which was pulled from the ``taproom`` package. """
[docs] def __init__( self, doi="", comment="", technique="", host_identifier="", guest_identifier="" ): """Constructs a new MeasurementSource object. Parameters ---------- doi : str The DOI for the source comment : str A description of where the value came from in the source. technique : str The technique used to measure this value. host_identifier : str The unique three letter host identifier guest_identifier : str The unique three letter guest identifier """ self.doi = doi self.comment = comment self.technique = technique self.host_identifier = host_identifier self.guest_identifier = guest_identifier
def __getstate__(self): return { "doi": self.doi, "comment": self.comment, "technique": self.technique, "host_identifier": self.host_identifier, "guest_identifier": self.guest_identifier, } def __setstate__(self, state): self.doi = state["doi"] self.comment = state["comment"] self.technique = state["technique"] self.host_identifier = state["host_identifier"] self.guest_identifier = state["guest_identifier"] def __str__(self): return ( f"host={self.host_identifier} " f"guest={self.guest_identifier} " f"doi={self.doi}" ) def __repr__(self): return f"<TaproomSource {self.__str__()}>"
[docs]class TaproomDataSet(PhysicalPropertyDataSet): """A dataset of host-guest binding affinity measurements which sources its data from the `taproom <>`_ package. The loaded ``HostGuestBindingAffinity`` properties will also be optionally (enabled by default) initialized with the metadata required by the APR estimation workflow. """
[docs] def __init__( self, host_codes: List[str] = None, guest_codes: List[str] = None, default_ionic_strength: Optional[unit.Quantity] = 150 * unit.millimolar, negative_buffer_ion: str = "[Cl-]", positive_buffer_ion: str = "[Na+]", attach_apr_meta_data: bool = True, ): """ Parameters ---------- host_codes The three letter codes of the host molecules to load from ``taproom`` If no list is provided, all hosts will be loaded. guest_codes The three letter codes of the guest molecules to load from ``taproom``. If no list is provided, all guests will be loaded. default_ionic_strength The default ionic strength to use for measurements. The value specified in ``taproom`` will be ignored and this value used instead. If no value is provided, no buffer will be included. negative_buffer_ion The SMILES pattern of the negative buffer ion to use. The value specified in ``taproom`` will be ignored and this value used instead. positive_buffer_ion The SMILES pattern of the positive buffer ion to use. The value specified in ``taproom`` will be ignored and this value used instead. attach_apr_meta_data Whether to add the metadata required for an APR based calculation using the ``paprika`` based workflow. """ super().__init__() try: from openeye import oechem except ImportError: raise MissingOptionalDependency("openeye.oechem", False) unlicensed_library = "openeye.oechem" if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed() else None if unlicensed_library is not None: raise MissingOptionalDependency(unlicensed_library, True) # TODO: Don't overwrite the taproom ionic strength and buffer ions. self._initialize( host_codes, guest_codes, default_ionic_strength, negative_buffer_ion, positive_buffer_ion, attach_apr_meta_data, )
@staticmethod def _mol2_to_smiles(file_path: str) -> str: """Converts a mol2 file into a smiles string. Parameters ---------- file_path: str The file path to the mol2 file. Returns ------- str The smiles descriptor of the loaded molecule """ from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule receptor_molecule = Molecule.from_file(file_path, "MOL2") return receptor_molecule.to_smiles() @staticmethod def _build_substance( guest_smiles: Optional[str], host_smiles: str, ionic_strength: Optional[unit.Quantity], negative_buffer_ion: str = "[Cl-]", positive_buffer_ion: str = "[Na+]", ): """Builds a substance containing a ligand and receptor solvated in an aqueous solution with a given ionic strength Parameters ---------- guest_smiles The SMILES descriptor of the guest. host_smiles The SMILES descriptor of the host. ionic_strength The ionic strength of the aqueous solvent. Returns ------- The built substance. """ from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule substance = Substance() if guest_smiles is not None: guest = Component(smiles=guest_smiles, role=Component.Role.Ligand) substance.add_component(component=guest, amount=ExactAmount(1)) host = Component(smiles=host_smiles, role=Component.Role.Receptor) substance.add_component(component=host, amount=ExactAmount(1)) water = Component(smiles="O", role=Component.Role.Solvent) sodium = Component(smiles=positive_buffer_ion, role=Component.Role.Solvent) chlorine = Component(smiles=negative_buffer_ion, role=Component.Role.Solvent) water_mole_fraction = 1.0 if ionic_strength is not None: salt_mole_fraction = Substance.calculate_aqueous_ionic_mole_fraction( ionic_strength ) if isinstance(salt_mole_fraction, unit.Quantity): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences salt_mole_fraction = salt_mole_fraction.magnitude water_mole_fraction = 1.0 - salt_mole_fraction * 2 substance.add_component( component=sodium, amount=MoleFraction(salt_mole_fraction), ) substance.add_component( component=chlorine, amount=MoleFraction(salt_mole_fraction), ) substance.add_component( component=water, amount=MoleFraction(water_mole_fraction) ) host_molecule_charge = Molecule.from_smiles(host_smiles).total_charge guest_molecule_charge = ( 0.0 * unit.elementary_charge if guest_smiles is None else Molecule.from_smiles(guest_smiles).total_charge ) net_charge = (host_molecule_charge + guest_molecule_charge).m_as( unit.elementary_charge ) n_counter_ions = abs(int(net_charge)) if net_charge <= -0.9999: substance.add_component(sodium, ExactAmount(n_counter_ions)) elif net_charge >= 0.9999: substance.add_component(chlorine, ExactAmount(n_counter_ions)) return substance @staticmethod def _unnest_restraint_specs( restraint_specs: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """A helper method to un-nest restraint lists parsed from a taproom yaml file. Parameters ---------- restraint_specs The restraint specs to un-nest. """ return [ value["restraint"] for value in restraint_specs if value["restraint"] is not None ] @classmethod def _build_metadata( cls, host_yaml_paths: Dict[str, str], guest_yaml_path: str, host_substance: Substance, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Constructs the metadata dictionary for a given host-guest system. Parameters ---------- host_yaml_paths The file path to the host YAML file for each guest orientation. guest_yaml_path The file path to the guest YAML file. host_substance A substance containing only the host molecule. Returns ------- The constructed metadata dictionary. """ from paprika.restraints.read_yaml import read_yaml guest_spec = read_yaml(guest_yaml_path) guest_aliases = { guest_alias: atom_mask for guest_alias_entry in guest_spec["aliases"] for guest_alias, atom_mask in guest_alias_entry.items() } metadata = { "host_substance": host_substance, "guest_restraints": cls._unnest_restraint_specs( guest_spec["restraints"]["guest"] ), "guest_orientation_mask": " ".join( [guest_aliases["G1"].strip(), guest_aliases["G2"].strip()] ), "guest_orientations": [], "n_guest_microstates": guest_spec["symmetry_correction"]["microstates"], "wall_restraints": cls._unnest_restraint_specs( guest_spec["restraints"]["wall_restraints"] ), "symmetry_restraints": guest_spec["symmetry_correction"]["restraints"], } for restraint in metadata["symmetry_restraints"]: del restraint["restraint"] dummy_atom_offset = metadata["guest_restraints"][0]["attach"]["target"] pull_distance = ( metadata["guest_restraints"][0]["pull"]["target"] - dummy_atom_offset ) metadata["dummy_atom_offset"] = dummy_atom_offset * unit.angstrom metadata["pull_distance"] = pull_distance * unit.angstrom unique_attach_lambdas = set() unique_n_pull_windows = set() unique_release_lambdas = set() unique_host_structures = set() for orientation, host_yaml_path in host_yaml_paths.items(): host_spec = read_yaml(host_yaml_path) root_host_path = os.path.dirname(host_yaml_path) host_path = os.path.join( root_host_path, host_spec["structure"].replace(".mol2", ".pdb"), ) unique_host_structures.add(host_path) root_complex_path = os.path.dirname(guest_yaml_path) complex_path = os.path.join( root_complex_path, guest_spec["complex"].replace(".pdb", f"-{orientation}.pdb"), ) metadata["guest_orientations"].append( { "coordinate_path": complex_path, "static_restraints": cls._unnest_restraint_specs( host_spec["restraints"]["static"] ), "conformational_restraints": cls._unnest_restraint_specs( host_spec["restraints"]["conformational"] ), } ) unique_attach_lambdas.add( tuple(host_spec["calculation"]["lambda"]["attach"]) ) unique_n_pull_windows.add(host_spec["calculation"]["windows"]["pull"]) unique_release_lambdas.add( tuple(host_spec["calculation"]["lambda"]["release"]) ) if len(unique_host_structures) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("There must only be a single host structure.") if ( len(unique_attach_lambdas) != 1 or len(unique_n_pull_windows) != 1 or len(unique_release_lambdas) != 1 ): raise NotImplementedError( "Currently all host orientations must use the same lambda paths." ) attach_lambdas = [*next(iter(unique_attach_lambdas))] n_pull_windows = next(iter(unique_n_pull_windows)) release_lambdas = [*next(iter(unique_release_lambdas))] metadata.update( { "host_coordinate_path": next(iter(unique_host_structures)), "attach_windows_indices": [*range(len(attach_lambdas))], "attach_lambdas": attach_lambdas, "pull_windows_indices": [*range(n_pull_windows)], "n_pull_windows": n_pull_windows, "release_windows_indices": [*range(len(attach_lambdas))], "release_lambdas": release_lambdas, } ) return metadata def _initialize( self, host_codes: List[str], guest_codes: List[str], ionic_strength: Optional[unit.Quantity], negative_buffer_ion: str, positive_buffer_ion: str, attach_apr_meta_data: bool, ): """Initializes the data set from the data made available by taproom. Parameters ---------- host_codes The three letter codes of the host molecules to load from ``taproom`` If no list is provided, all hosts will be loaded. guest_codes The three letter codes of the guest molecules to load from ``taproom``. If no list is provided, all guests will be loaded. ionic_strength The default ionic strength to use for measurements. The value specified in ``taproom`` will be ignored and this value used instead. negative_buffer_ion The SMILES pattern of the negative buffer ion to use. The value specified in ``taproom`` will be ignored and this value used instead. positive_buffer_ion The SMILES pattern of the positive buffer ion to use. The value specified in ``taproom`` will be ignored and this value used instead. attach_apr_meta_data Whether to add the metadata required for an APR based calculation using the ``paprika`` based workflow. """ import sys if sys.version_info[1] < 10: # Backport only for Python 3.9 - drop April 2024 from importlib_metadata import entry_points else: from importlib.metadata import entry_points installed_benchmarks = {} for entry_point in entry_points().select(group="taproom.benchmarks"): installed_benchmarks[] = entry_point.load() if len(installed_benchmarks) == 0: raise ValueError( "No installed benchmarks could be found. Make sure the " "`host-guest-benchmarks` package is installed." ) measurements = installed_benchmarks["host_guest_measurements"] systems = installed_benchmarks["host_guest_systems"] all_properties = [] for host_name in measurements: if host_codes and host_name not in host_codes: continue for guest_name in measurements[host_name]: if guest_codes and guest_name not in guest_codes: continue # Make sure this measurement has a corresponding system if host_name not in systems or guest_name not in systems[host_name]: continue measurement_path = measurements[host_name][guest_name]["yaml"] with open(measurement_path, "r") as file: measurement_yaml = yaml.safe_load(file) temperature = unit.Quantity(measurement_yaml["state"]["temperature"]) pressure = unit.Quantity(measurement_yaml["state"]["pressure"]) value = unit.Quantity(measurement_yaml["measurement"]["delta_G"]) uncertainty = unit.Quantity( measurement_yaml["measurement"]["delta_G_uncertainty"] ) source = TaproomSource( doi=measurement_yaml["provenance"]["doi"], comment=measurement_yaml["provenance"]["comment"], technique=measurement_yaml["measurement"]["technique"], host_identifier=host_name, guest_identifier=guest_name, ) orientations = [ orientation for orientation in systems[host_name]["yaml"] ] host_yaml_path = systems[host_name]["yaml"][orientations[0]] with open(host_yaml_path, "r") as file: host_yaml = yaml.safe_load(file) host_mol2_path = str( host_yaml_path.parent.joinpath(host_yaml["structure"]) ) host_smiles = self._mol2_to_smiles(host_mol2_path) guest_yaml_path = systems[host_name][guest_name]["yaml"] with open(guest_yaml_path, "r") as file: guest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(file) guest_mol2_path = str( host_yaml_path.parent.joinpath(guest_name).joinpath( guest_yaml["structure"] ) ) guest_smiles = self._mol2_to_smiles(guest_mol2_path) substance = self._build_substance( guest_smiles, host_smiles, ionic_strength, negative_buffer_ion, positive_buffer_ion, ) host_only_substance = self._build_substance( None, host_smiles, ionic_strength, negative_buffer_ion, positive_buffer_ion, ) measured_property = HostGuestBindingAffinity( thermodynamic_state=ThermodynamicState(temperature, pressure), phase=PropertyPhase.Liquid, substance=substance, value=value, uncertainty=uncertainty, source=source, ) if attach_apr_meta_data: measured_property.metadata = self._build_metadata( systems[host_name]["yaml"], systems[host_name][guest_name]["yaml"], host_only_substance, ) all_properties.append(measured_property) self.add_properties(*all_properties)