Source code for openff.evaluator.datasets.curation.components.filtering

import functools
import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy
import pandas
from openff.units import unit
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.evaluator._pydantic import Field, root_validator, validator
from openff.evaluator.datasets.curation.components import (
from openff.evaluator.datasets.utilities import (
from openff.evaluator.utils.checkmol import (

    conint = int
    confloat = float
    PositiveInt = int
    PositiveFloat = float

    from openff.evaluator._pydantic import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ComponentEnvironments = List[List[ChemicalEnvironment]]
MoleFractionRange = Tuple[confloat(ge=0.0, le=1.0), confloat(ge=0.0, le=1.0)]

[docs]class FilterDuplicatesSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterDuplicates"] = "FilterDuplicates" temperature_precision: conint(ge=0) = Field( 2, description="The number of decimal places to compare temperatures (K) to " "within.", ) pressure_precision: conint(ge=0) = Field( 3, description="The number of decimal places to compare pressures (kPa) to " "within.", ) mole_fraction_precision: conint(ge=0) = Field( 6, description="The number of decimal places to compare mole fractions to within.", )
[docs]class FilterDuplicates(CurationComponent): """A component to remove duplicate data points (within a specified precision) from a data set. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterDuplicatesSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: if len(data_frame) == 0: return data_frame data_frame = data_frame.copy() data_frame = reorder_data_frame(data_frame) minimum_n_components = data_frame["N Components"].min() maximum_n_components = data_frame["N Components"].max() filtered_data = [] for n_components in range(minimum_n_components, maximum_n_components + 1): component_data = data_frame[ data_frame["N Components"] == n_components ].copy() component_data["Temperature (K)"] = component_data["Temperature (K)"].round( schema.temperature_precision ) component_data["Pressure (kPa)"] = component_data["Pressure (kPa)"].round( schema.pressure_precision ) subset_columns = ["Temperature (K)", "Pressure (kPa)", "Phase"] for index in range(n_components): component_data[f"Mole Fraction {index + 1}"] = component_data[ f"Mole Fraction {index + 1}" ].round(schema.mole_fraction_precision) subset_columns.extend( [ f"Component {index + 1}", f"Role {index + 1}", f"Mole Fraction {index + 1}", f"Exact Amount {index + 1}", ] ) subset_columns = [x for x in subset_columns if x in component_data] value_headers = [x for x in component_data if x.find(" Value ") >= 0] sorted_filtered_data = [] for value_header in value_headers: uncertainty_header = value_header.replace("Value", "Uncertainty") property_data = component_data[component_data[value_header].notna()] if uncertainty_header in component_data: property_data = property_data.sort_values( uncertainty_header, na_position="first" ) property_data = property_data.drop_duplicates( subset=subset_columns, keep="last" ) sorted_filtered_data.append(property_data) sorted_filtered_data = pandas.concat( sorted_filtered_data, ignore_index=True, sort=False ) filtered_data.append(sorted_filtered_data) filtered_data = pandas.concat(filtered_data, ignore_index=True, sort=False) return filtered_data
[docs]class FilterByTemperatureSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByTemperature"] = "FilterByTemperature" minimum_temperature: Optional[PositiveFloat] = Field( ..., description="Retain data points measured for temperatures above this value (K)", ) maximum_temperature: Optional[PositiveFloat] = Field( ..., description="Retain data points measured for temperatures below this value (K)", ) @root_validator def _min_max(cls, values): minimum_temperature = values.get("minimum_temperature") maximum_temperature = values.get("maximum_temperature") if minimum_temperature is not None and maximum_temperature is not None: assert maximum_temperature > minimum_temperature return values
[docs]class FilterByTemperature(CurationComponent): """A component which will filter out data points which were measured outside of a specified temperature range """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByTemperatureSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: filtered_frame = data_frame if schema.minimum_temperature is not None: filtered_frame = filtered_frame[ schema.minimum_temperature < filtered_frame["Temperature (K)"] ] if schema.maximum_temperature is not None: filtered_frame = filtered_frame[ filtered_frame["Temperature (K)"] < schema.maximum_temperature ] return filtered_frame
[docs]class FilterByPressureSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByPressure"] = "FilterByPressure" minimum_pressure: Optional[PositiveFloat] = Field( ..., description="Retain data points measured for pressures above this value (kPa)", ) maximum_pressure: Optional[PositiveFloat] = Field( ..., description="Retain data points measured for pressures below this value (kPa)", ) @root_validator def _min_max(cls, values): minimum_pressure = values.get("minimum_pressure") maximum_pressure = values.get("maximum_pressure") if minimum_pressure is not None and maximum_pressure is not None: assert maximum_pressure > minimum_pressure return values
[docs]class FilterByPressure(CurationComponent): """A component which will filter out data points which were measured outside of a specified pressure range. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByPressureSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: filtered_frame = data_frame if schema.minimum_pressure is not None: filtered_frame = filtered_frame[ schema.minimum_pressure < filtered_frame["Pressure (kPa)"] ] if schema.maximum_pressure is not None: filtered_frame = filtered_frame[ filtered_frame["Pressure (kPa)"] < schema.maximum_pressure ] return filtered_frame
[docs]class FilterByMoleFractionSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByMoleFraction"] = "FilterByMoleFraction" mole_fraction_ranges: Dict[conint(gt=1), List[List[MoleFractionRange]]] = Field( ..., description="The ranges of mole fractions to retain. Each key in the " "dictionary corresponds to a number of components in the system. Each value " "is a list of the allowed mole fraction ranges for all but one of the " "components, i.e for a binary system, the allowed mole fraction for only the " "first component must be specified.", ) @validator("mole_fraction_ranges") def _validate_ranges(cls, value: Dict[int, List[List[MoleFractionRange]]]): for n_components, ranges in value.items(): assert len(ranges) == n_components - 1 assert all( mole_fraction_range[0] < mole_fraction_range[1] for component_ranges in ranges for mole_fraction_range in component_ranges ) return value
[docs]class FilterByMoleFraction(CurationComponent): """A component which will filter out data points which were measured outside of a specified mole fraction range. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByMoleFractionSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: filtered_frame = data_frame full_query = ~filtered_frame["N Components"].isin(schema.mole_fraction_ranges) for n_components, ranges in schema.mole_fraction_ranges.items(): # Build the query to apply n_component_query = filtered_frame["N Components"] == n_components for index, component_ranges in enumerate(ranges): component_query = None for mole_fraction_range in component_ranges: fraction_query = ( filtered_frame[f"Mole Fraction {index + 1}"] > mole_fraction_range[0] ) & ( filtered_frame[f"Mole Fraction {index + 1}"] < mole_fraction_range[1] ) if component_query is None: component_query = fraction_query else: component_query |= fraction_query n_component_query &= component_query full_query |= n_component_query filtered_frame = filtered_frame[full_query] return filtered_frame
[docs]class FilterByRacemicSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByRacemic"] = "FilterByRacemic"
[docs]class FilterByRacemic(CurationComponent): """A component which will filter out data points which were measured for racemic mixtures. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByMoleFractionSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: # Begin building the query. All pure substances should be # retained by default. query = data_frame["N Components"] < 2 for n_components in range(2, data_frame["N Components"].max() + 1): component_data = data_frame[data_frame["N Components"] == n_components] if len(component_data) == 0: continue component_combinations = itertools.combinations(range(n_components), 2) is_racemic = None for index_0, index_1 in component_combinations: components_racemic = component_data[ f"Component {index_0 + 1}" ].str.replace("@", "") == component_data[ f"Component {index_1 + 1}" ].str.replace( "@", "" ) is_racemic = ( components_racemic if is_racemic is None else (is_racemic | components_racemic) ) not_racemic = ~is_racemic query |= not_racemic filtered_frame = data_frame[query] return filtered_frame
[docs]class FilterByElementsSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByElements"] = "FilterByElements" allowed_elements: Optional[List[constr(min_length=1)]] = Field( None, description="The only elements which must be present in the measured system " "for the data point to be retained. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`forbidden_elements`", ) forbidden_elements: Optional[List[constr(min_length=1)]] = Field( None, description="The elements which must not be present in the measured system for " "the data point to be retained. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`allowed_elements`", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): allowed_elements = values.get("allowed_elements") forbidden_elements = values.get("forbidden_elements") assert allowed_elements is not None or forbidden_elements is not None assert allowed_elements is None or forbidden_elements is None return values
[docs]class FilterByElements(CurationComponent): """A component which will filter out data points which were measured for systems which contain specific elements.""" @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByElementsSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] for index in range(n_components): smiles = data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] molecule = Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True) if schema.allowed_elements is not None and not all( [x.symbol in schema.allowed_elements for x in molecule.atoms] ): return False if schema.forbidden_elements is not None and any( [x.symbol in schema.forbidden_elements for x in molecule.atoms] ): return False return True # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterByPropertyTypesSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByPropertyTypes"] = "FilterByPropertyTypes" property_types: List[constr(min_length=1)] = Field( ..., description="The types of property to retain.", ) n_components: Dict[constr(min_length=1), List[PositiveInt]] = Field( default_factory=dict, description="Optionally specify the number of components that a property " "should have been measured for (e.g. pure, binary) in order for that data " "point to be retained.", ) strict: bool = Field( False, description="If true, only substances (defined without consideration for their " "mole fractions or exact amount) which have data available for all of the " "specified property types will be retained. Note that the data points aren't " "required to have been measured at the same state.", ) @root_validator def _validate_n_components(cls, values): property_types = values.get("property_types") n_components = values.get("n_components") assert all(x in property_types for x in n_components) return values
[docs]class FilterByPropertyTypes(CurationComponent): """A component which will apply a filter which only retains properties of specified types.""" @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByPropertyTypesSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: property_headers = [ header for header in data_frame if header.find(" Value ") >= 0 ] # Removes the columns for properties which are not of interest. for header in property_headers: property_type = header.split(" ")[0] if property_type in schema.property_types: continue data_frame = data_frame.drop(header, axis=1) uncertainty_header = header.replace(" Value ", " Uncertainty ") if uncertainty_header in data_frame: data_frame = data_frame.drop(uncertainty_header, axis=1) # Drop any rows which do not contain any values for the property types of # interest. property_headers = [ header for header in property_headers if header.split(" ")[0] in schema.property_types ] data_frame = data_frame.dropna(subset=property_headers, how="all") # Apply a more specific filter which only retain which contain values # for the specific property types, and which were measured for the # specified number of components. for property_type, n_components in schema.n_components.items(): property_header = next( iter(x for x in property_headers if x.find(f"{property_type} ") == 0), None, ) if property_header is None: continue data_frame = data_frame[ data_frame[property_header].isna() | data_frame["N Components"].isin(n_components) ] # Apply the strict filter if requested if schema.strict: reordered_data_frame = reorder_data_frame(data_frame) # Build a dictionary of which properties should be present partitioned # by the number of components they should have been be measured for. property_types = defaultdict(list) if len(schema.n_components) > 0: for property_type, n_components in schema.n_components.items(): for n_component in n_components: property_types[n_component].append(property_type) min_n_components = min(property_types) max_n_components = max(property_types) else: min_n_components = reordered_data_frame["N Components"].min() max_n_components = reordered_data_frame["N Components"].max() for n_components in range(min_n_components, max_n_components + 1): property_types[n_components].extend(schema.property_types) substances_with_data = set() components_with_data = {} # For each N component find substances which have data points for # all of the specified property types. for n_components in range(min_n_components, max_n_components + 1): component_data = reordered_data_frame[ reordered_data_frame["N Components"] == n_components ] if n_components not in property_types or len(component_data) == 0: continue n_component_headers = [ header for header in property_headers if header.split(" ")[0] in property_types[n_components] and header in component_data ] if len(n_component_headers) != len(property_types[n_components]): continue n_component_substances = set.intersection( *[ data_frame_to_substances( component_data[component_data[header].notna()] ) for header in n_component_headers ] ) substances_with_data.update(n_component_substances) components_with_data[n_components] = { component for substance in n_component_substances for component in substance } if len(schema.n_components) > 0: components_with_all_data = set.intersection( *components_with_data.values() ) # Filter out any smiles for don't appear in all of the N component # substances. data_frame = FilterBySmiles.apply( data_frame, FilterBySmilesSchema(smiles_to_include=[*components_with_all_data]), ) # Filter out any substances which (within each N component) don't have # all of the specified data types. data_frame = FilterBySubstances.apply( data_frame, FilterBySubstancesSchema(substances_to_include=[*substances_with_data]), ) data_frame = data_frame.dropna(axis=1, how="all") return data_frame
[docs]class FilterByStereochemistrySchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByStereochemistry"] = "FilterByStereochemistry"
[docs]class FilterByStereochemistry(CurationComponent): """A component which filters out data points measured for systems whereby the stereochemistry of a number of components is undefined.""" @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByStereochemistrySchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule from openff.toolkit.utils import UndefinedStereochemistryError def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] for index in range(n_components): smiles = data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] try: Molecule.from_smiles(smiles) except UndefinedStereochemistryError: return False return True # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterByChargedSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByCharged"] = "FilterByCharged"
[docs]class FilterByCharged(CurationComponent): """A component which filters out data points measured for substances where any of the constituent components have a net non-zero charge. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByChargedSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] for index in range(n_components): smiles = data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] molecule = Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences atom_charges = [ ( atom.formal_charge if isinstance(atom.formal_charge, int) else atom.formal_charge.m_as(unit.elementary_charge) ) for atom in molecule.atoms ] if numpy.isclose(sum(atom_charges), 0.0): continue return False return True # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterByIonicLiquidSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByIonicLiquid"] = "FilterByIonicLiquid"
[docs]class FilterByIonicLiquid(CurationComponent): """A component which filters out data points measured for substances which contain or are classed as an ionic liquids. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByIonicLiquidSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] for index in range(n_components): smiles = data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] if "." in smiles: return False return True # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterBySmilesSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterBySmiles"] = "FilterBySmiles" smiles_to_include: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="The smiles patterns to retain. This option is mutually " "exclusive with `smiles_to_exclude`", ) smiles_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="The smiles patterns to exclude. This option is mutually " "exclusive with `smiles_to_include`", ) allow_partial_inclusion: bool = Field( False, description="If False, all the components in a substance must appear in " "the `smiles_to_include` list, otherwise, only some must appear. " "This option only applies when `smiles_to_include` is set.", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): smiles_to_include = values.get("smiles_to_include") smiles_to_exclude = values.get("smiles_to_exclude") assert smiles_to_include is not None or smiles_to_exclude is not None assert smiles_to_include is None or smiles_to_exclude is None return values
[docs]class FilterBySmiles(CurationComponent): """A component which filters the data set so that it only contains either a specific set of smiles, or does not contain any of a set of specifically excluded smiles. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterBySmilesSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: smiles_to_include = schema.smiles_to_include smiles_to_exclude = schema.smiles_to_exclude if smiles_to_include is not None: smiles_to_exclude = [] elif smiles_to_exclude is not None: smiles_to_include = [] def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] component_smiles = [ data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] for index in range(n_components) ] if any(x in smiles_to_exclude for x in component_smiles): return False elif len(smiles_to_exclude) > 0: return True if not schema.allow_partial_inclusion and not all( x in smiles_to_include for x in component_smiles ): return False if schema.allow_partial_inclusion and not any( x in smiles_to_include for x in component_smiles ): return False return True # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterBySmirksSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterBySmirks"] = "FilterBySmirks" smirks_to_include: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="The smirks patterns which must be matched by a substance in " "order to retain a measurement. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`smirks_to_exclude`", ) smirks_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="The smirks patterns which must not be matched by a substance in " "order to retain a measurement. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`smirks_to_include`", ) allow_partial_inclusion: bool = Field( False, description="If False, all the components in a substance must match at least " "one pattern in `smirks_to_include` in order to retain a measurement, " "otherwise, only a least one component must match. This option only applies " "when `smirks_to_include` is set.", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): smirks_to_include = values.get("smirks_to_include") smirks_to_exclude = values.get("smirks_to_exclude") assert smirks_to_include is not None or smirks_to_exclude is not None assert smirks_to_include is None or smirks_to_exclude is None return values
[docs]class FilterBySmirks(CurationComponent): """A component which filters a data set so that it only contains measurements made for molecules which contain (or don't) a set of chemical environments represented by SMIRKS patterns. """ @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(1000) def _find_smirks_matches(smiles_pattern, *smirks_patterns): """Determines which (if any) of the specified smirks match the specified molecule. Parameters ---------- smiles_pattern: str The SMILES representation to try and match against. smirks_patterns: str The smirks patterns to try and match. Returns ------- list of str The matched smirks patterns. """ from rdkit import Chem def _rdmol_from_smiles(smiles: str) -> Chem.Mol: """ Create an RDKit molecule from a SMILES string. Parameters ---------- smiles: str The SMILES string to convert. Returns ------- rdmol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol The RDKit molecule. Taken from """ # TODO: This function does not handle SMILES parsing failures gracefully. rdmol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles, sanitize=False) Chem.SanitizeMol( rdmol, Chem.SANITIZE_ALL ^ Chem.SANITIZE_ADJUSTHS ^ Chem.SANITIZE_SETAROMATICITY, ) Chem.SetAromaticity(rdmol, Chem.AromaticityModel.AROMATICITY_MDL) Chem.AssignStereochemistry(rdmol) Chem.AddHs(rdmol) return rdmol def _has_match(rdmol: Chem.Mol, smarts: str) -> bool: """ Run substructure matching, returning only whether or not matches were found. Parameters ---------- rdmol: Chem.Mol The RDKit molecule to match against. smarts: str The SMARTS pattern to match. Returns ------- bool Whether or not a match(es) was found. Taken from """ # TODO: This function does not handle SMILES parsing failures gracefully. qmol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smarts) return len(rdmol.GetSubstructMatch(qmol, useChirality=True)) > 0 if len(smirks_patterns) == 0: return [] rdmol = _rdmol_from_smiles(smiles_pattern) return [smirks for smirks in smirks_patterns if _has_match(rdmol, smirks)] @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterBySmirksSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: smirks_to_match = ( schema.smirks_to_include if schema.smirks_to_include else schema.smirks_to_exclude ) def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] component_smiles = [ data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] for index in range(n_components) ] smirks_matches = { smiles: cls._find_smirks_matches(smiles, *smirks_to_match) for smiles in component_smiles } if schema.smirks_to_exclude is not None: return not any(len(x) > 0 for x in smirks_matches.values()) if schema.allow_partial_inclusion: return any(len(x) > 0 for x in smirks_matches.values()) return all(len(x) > 0 for x in smirks_matches.values()) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterByNComponentsSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByNComponents"] = "FilterByNComponents" n_components: List[PositiveInt] = Field( ..., description="The number of components that measurements should have been " "measured for in order to be retained.", )
[docs]class FilterByNComponents(CurationComponent): """A component which filters out data points measured for systems with specified number of components. """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByNComponentsSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: return data_frame[data_frame["N Components"].isin(schema.n_components)]
[docs]class FilterBySubstancesSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterBySubstances"] = "FilterBySubstances" substances_to_include: Optional[List[Tuple[str, ...]]] = Field( None, description="The substances compositions to retain, where each tuple in the " "list contains the smiles patterns which make up the substance to include. " "This option is mutually exclusive with `substances_to_exclude`.", ) substances_to_exclude: Optional[List[Tuple[str, ...]]] = Field( None, description="The substances compositions to retain, where each tuple in the " "list contains the smiles patterns which make up the substance to exclude. " "This option is mutually exclusive with `substances_to_include`.", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): substances_to_include = values.get("substances_to_include") substances_to_exclude = values.get("substances_to_exclude") assert substances_to_include is not None or substances_to_exclude is not None assert substances_to_include is None or substances_to_exclude is None return values
[docs]class FilterBySubstances(CurationComponent): """A component which filters the data set so that it only contains properties measured for particular substances. This method is similar to `filter_by_smiles`, however here we explicitly define the full substances compositions, rather than individual smiles which should either be included or excluded. Examples -------- To filter the data set to only include measurements for pure methanol, pure benzene or an aqueous ethanol mix: >>> schema = FilterBySubstancesSchema( >>> substances_to_include=[ >>> ('CO',), >>> ('C1=CC=CC=C1',), >>> ('CCO', 'O') >>> ] >>> ) To filter out measurements made for an aqueous mix of benzene: >>> schema = FilterBySubstancesSchema( >>> substances_to_exclude=[('O', 'C1=CC=CC=C1')] >>> ) """ @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterBySubstancesSchema, n_processes ) -> pandas.DataFrame: def filter_function(data_row): n_components = data_row["N Components"] substances_to_include = schema.substances_to_include substances_to_exclude = schema.substances_to_exclude if substances_to_include is not None: substances_to_include = [ tuple(sorted(x)) for x in substances_to_include ] if substances_to_exclude is not None: substances_to_exclude = [ tuple(sorted(x)) for x in substances_to_exclude ] substance = tuple( sorted( [ data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] for index in range(n_components) ] ) ) return ( substances_to_exclude is not None and substance not in substances_to_exclude ) or ( substances_to_include is not None and substance in substances_to_include ) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
[docs]class FilterByEnvironmentsSchema(CurationComponentSchema): type: Literal["FilterByEnvironments"] = "FilterByEnvironments" per_component_environments: Optional[Dict[int, ComponentEnvironments]] = Field( None, description="The environments which should be present in the components of " "the substance for which the measurements were made. Each dictionary " "key corresponds to a number of components in the system, and each " "value the environments which should be matched by those n components. " "This option is mutually exclusive with `environments`.", ) environments: Optional[List[ChemicalEnvironment]] = Field( None, description="The environments which should be present in the substances for " "which measurements were made. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`per_component_environments`.", ) at_least_one_environment: bool = Field( True, description="If true, data points will only be retained if all of the " "components in the measured system contain at least one of the specified " "environments. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`strictly_specified_environments`.", ) strictly_specified_environments: bool = Field( False, description="If true, data points will only be retained if all of the " "components in the measured system strictly contain only the specified " "environments and no others. This option is mutually exclusive with " "`at_least_one_environment`.", ) @validator("per_component_environments") def _validate_per_component_environments(cls, value): if value is None: return value assert all(len(y) == x for x, y in value.items()) return value @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): at_least_one_environment = values.get("at_least_one_environment") strictly_specified_environments = values.get("strictly_specified_environments") assert ( at_least_one_environment is True or strictly_specified_environments is True ) assert ( at_least_one_environment is False or strictly_specified_environments is False ) per_component_environments = values.get("per_component_environments") environments = values.get("environments") assert per_component_environments is not None or environments is not None assert per_component_environments is None or environments is None return values
[docs]class FilterByEnvironments(CurationComponent): """A component which filters a data set so that it only contains measurements made for substances which contain specific chemical environments. """ @classmethod def _find_environments_per_component(cls, data_row: pandas.Series): n_components = data_row["N Components"] component_smiles = [ data_row[f"Component {index + 1}"] for index in range(n_components) ] component_moieties = [analyse_functional_groups(x) for x in component_smiles] if any(x is None for x in component_moieties): f"Checkmol was unable to parse the system with components=" f"{component_smiles} and so this data point was discarded." ) return None return component_moieties @classmethod def _is_match(cls, component_environments, environments_to_match, schema): operator = all if schema.strictly_specified_environments else any return operator( environment in environments_to_match for environment in component_environments ) @classmethod def _filter_by_environments(cls, data_row, schema: FilterByEnvironmentsSchema): environments_per_component = cls._find_environments_per_component(data_row) if environments_per_component is None: return False return all( cls._is_match(component_environments, schema.environments, schema) for component_environments in environments_per_component ) @classmethod def _filter_by_per_component(cls, data_row, schema: FilterByEnvironmentsSchema): n_components = data_row["N Components"] if ( schema.per_component_environments is not None and n_components not in schema.per_component_environments ): # No filter was specified for this number of components. return True environments_per_component = cls._find_environments_per_component(data_row) if environments_per_component is None: return False match_matrix = numpy.zeros((n_components, n_components)) for component_index, component_environments in enumerate( environments_per_component ): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences for environments_index, environments_to_match in enumerate( schema.per_component_environments[n_components] ): match_matrix[component_index, environments_index] = cls._is_match( component_environments, environments_to_match, schema ) x_indices, y_indices = linear_sum_assignment(match_matrix, maximize=True) return numpy.all(match_matrix[x_indices, y_indices] > 0) @classmethod def _apply( cls, data_frame: pandas.DataFrame, schema: FilterByEnvironmentsSchema, n_processes, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: if schema.environments is not None: filter_function = functools.partial( cls._filter_by_environments, schema=schema ) else: filter_function = functools.partial( cls._filter_by_per_component, schema=schema ) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return data_frame[data_frame.apply(filter_function, axis=1)]
FilterComponentSchema = Union[ FilterDuplicatesSchema, FilterByTemperatureSchema, FilterByPressureSchema, FilterByMoleFractionSchema, FilterByRacemicSchema, FilterByElementsSchema, FilterByPropertyTypesSchema, FilterByStereochemistrySchema, FilterByChargedSchema, FilterByIonicLiquidSchema, FilterBySmilesSchema, FilterBySmirksSchema, FilterByNComponentsSchema, FilterBySubstancesSchema, FilterByEnvironmentsSchema, ]