Source code for propertyestimator.protocols.simulation

A collection of protocols for running molecular simulations.
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import traceback

import pandas as pd
from simtk import openmm, unit as simtk_unit
from simtk.openmm import app

from propertyestimator import unit
from propertyestimator.thermodynamics import ThermodynamicState, Ensemble
from propertyestimator.utils.exceptions import PropertyEstimatorException
from propertyestimator.utils.openmm import setup_platform_with_resources, pint_quantity_to_openmm, disable_pbc
from propertyestimator.utils.serialization import TypedJSONEncoder, TypedJSONDecoder
from propertyestimator.utils.statistics import StatisticsArray, ObservableType
from propertyestimator.workflow.decorators import protocol_input, protocol_output, InequalityMergeBehaviour, UNDEFINED
from propertyestimator.workflow.plugins import register_calculation_protocol
from propertyestimator.workflow.protocols import BaseProtocol

[docs]@register_calculation_protocol() class RunEnergyMinimisation(BaseProtocol): """A protocol to minimise the potential energy of a system. """ input_coordinate_file = protocol_input( docstring='The coordinates to minimise.', type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED ) system_path = protocol_input( docstring='The path to the XML system object which defines the forces present ' 'in the system.', type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED ) tolerance = protocol_input( docstring='The energy tolerance to which the system should be minimized.', type_hint=unit.Quantity, default_value=10 * unit.kilojoules / unit.mole ) max_iterations = protocol_input( docstring='The maximum number of iterations to perform. If this is 0, ' 'minimization is continued until the results converge without regard to ' 'how many iterations it takes.', type_hint=int, default_value=0 ) enable_pbc = protocol_input( docstring='If true, periodic boundary conditions will be enabled.', type_hint=bool, default_value=True ) output_coordinate_file = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the minimised coordinates.', type_hint=str )
[docs] def execute(self, directory, available_resources):'Minimising energy: ' + platform = setup_platform_with_resources(available_resources) input_pdb_file = app.PDBFile(self.input_coordinate_file) with open(self.system_path, 'rb') as file: system = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize( if not self.enable_pbc: for force_index in range(system.getNumForces()): force = system.getForce(force_index) if not isinstance(force, openmm.NonbondedForce): continue force.setNonbondedMethod(0) # NoCutoff = 0, NonbondedMethod.CutoffNonPeriodic = 1 # TODO: Expose the constraint tolerance integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(0.002 * simtk_unit.picoseconds) simulation = app.Simulation(input_pdb_file.topology, system, integrator, platform) box_vectors = input_pdb_file.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors() if box_vectors is None: box_vectors = simulation.system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors() simulation.context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(*box_vectors) simulation.context.setPositions(input_pdb_file.positions) simulation.minimizeEnergy(pint_quantity_to_openmm(self.tolerance), self.max_iterations) positions = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions() self.output_coordinate_file = os.path.join(directory, 'minimised.pdb') with open(self.output_coordinate_file, 'w+') as minimised_file: app.PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, positions, minimised_file)'Energy minimised: ' + return self._get_output_dictionary()
[docs]@register_calculation_protocol() class RunOpenMMSimulation(BaseProtocol): """Performs a molecular dynamics simulation in a given ensemble using an OpenMM backend. """ class _Checkpoint: """A temporary checkpoint file which keeps track of the parts of the simulation state not stored in the checkpoint state xml file. """ def __init__(self, output_frequency=-1, checkpoint_frequency=-1, steps_per_iteration=-1, current_step_number=0): self.output_frequency = output_frequency self.checkpoint_frequency = checkpoint_frequency self.steps_per_iteration = steps_per_iteration self.current_step_number = current_step_number def __getstate__(self): return { 'output_frequency': self.output_frequency, 'checkpoint_frequency': self.checkpoint_frequency, 'steps_per_iteration': self.steps_per_iteration, 'current_step_number': self.current_step_number } def __setstate__(self, state): self.output_frequency = state['output_frequency'] self.checkpoint_frequency = state['checkpoint_frequency'] self.steps_per_iteration = state['steps_per_iteration'] self.current_step_number = state['current_step_number'] class _Simulation: """A fake simulation class to use with the openmm file reporters. """ def __init__(self, integrator, topology, system, current_step): self.integrator = integrator self.topology = topology self.system = system self.currentStep = current_step steps_per_iteration = protocol_input( docstring='The number of steps to propogate the system by at ' 'each iteration. The total number of steps performed ' 'by this protocol will be `total_number_of_iterations * ' 'steps_per_iteration`.', type_hint=int, merge_behavior=InequalityMergeBehaviour.LargestValue, default_value=1000000 ) total_number_of_iterations = protocol_input( docstring='The number of times to propogate the system forward by the ' '`steps_per_iteration` number of steps. The total number of ' 'steps performed by this protocol will be `total_number_of_iterations * ' 'steps_per_iteration`.', type_hint=int, merge_behavior=InequalityMergeBehaviour.LargestValue, default_value=1 ) output_frequency = protocol_input( docstring='The frequency (in number of steps) with which to write to the ' 'output statistics and trajectory files.', type_hint=int, merge_behavior=InequalityMergeBehaviour.SmallestValue, default_value=3000 ) checkpoint_frequency = protocol_input( docstring='The frequency (in multiples of `output_frequency`) with which to ' 'write to a checkpoint file, e.g. if `output_frequency=100` and ' '`checkpoint_frequency==2`, a checkpoint file would be saved every ' '200 steps.', type_hint=int, merge_behavior=InequalityMergeBehaviour.SmallestValue, optional=True, default_value=10 ) timestep = protocol_input( docstring='The timestep to evolve the system by at each step.', type_hint=unit.Quantity, merge_behavior=InequalityMergeBehaviour.SmallestValue, default_value=2.0 * unit.femtosecond ) thermodynamic_state = protocol_input( docstring='The thermodynamic conditions to simulate under', type_hint=ThermodynamicState, default_value=UNDEFINED ) ensemble = protocol_input( docstring='The thermodynamic ensemble to simulate in.', type_hint=Ensemble, default_value=Ensemble.NPT ) thermostat_friction = protocol_input( docstring='The thermostat friction coefficient.', type_hint=unit.Quantity, merge_behavior=InequalityMergeBehaviour.SmallestValue, default_value=1.0 / unit.picoseconds ) input_coordinate_file = protocol_input( docstring='The file path to the starting coordinates.', type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED ) system_path = protocol_input( docstring='A path to the XML system object which defines the forces present ' 'in the system.', type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED ) enable_pbc = protocol_input( docstring='If true, periodic boundary conditions will be enabled.', type_hint=bool, default_value=True ) allow_gpu_platforms = protocol_input( docstring='If true, OpenMM will be allowed to run using a GPU if available, ' 'otherwise it will be constrained to only using CPUs.', type_hint=bool, default_value=True ) high_precision = protocol_input( docstring='If true, OpenMM will be run using a platform with high precision ' 'settings. This will be the Reference platform when only a CPU is ' 'available, or double precision mode when a GPU is available.', type_hint=bool, default_value=False ) output_coordinate_file = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the coordinates of the final system configuration.', type_hint=str ) trajectory_file_path = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the trajectory sampled during the simulation.', type_hint=str ) statistics_file_path = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the statistics sampled during the simulation.', type_hint=str )
[docs] def __init__(self, protocol_id): super().__init__(protocol_id) self._checkpoint_path = None self._state_path = None self._local_trajectory_path = None self._local_statistics_path = None self._context = None self._integrator = None
[docs] def execute(self, directory, available_resources): # We handle most things in OMM units here. temperature = self.thermodynamic_state.temperature openmm_temperature = pint_quantity_to_openmm(temperature) pressure = None if self.ensemble == Ensemble.NVT else self.thermodynamic_state.pressure openmm_pressure = pint_quantity_to_openmm(pressure) if openmm_temperature is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='A temperature must be set to perform ' 'a simulation in any ensemble') if Ensemble(self.ensemble) == Ensemble.NPT and openmm_pressure is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='A pressure must be set to perform an NPT simulation') if Ensemble(self.ensemble) == Ensemble.NPT and self.enable_pbc is False: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='PBC must be enabled when running in the NPT ensemble.')'Performing a simulation in the ' + str(self.ensemble) + ' ensemble: ' + # Set up the internal file paths self._checkpoint_path = os.path.join(directory, 'checkpoint.json') self._state_path = os.path.join(directory, 'checkpoint_state.xml') self._local_trajectory_path = os.path.join(directory, 'trajectory.dcd') self._local_statistics_path = os.path.join(directory, 'openmm_statistics.csv') # Set up the simulation objects. if self._context is None or self._integrator is None: self._context, self._integrator = self._setup_simulation_objects(openmm_temperature, openmm_pressure, available_resources) # Save a copy of the starting configuration if it doesn't already exist local_input_coordinate_path = os.path.join(directory, 'input.pdb') if not os.path.isfile(local_input_coordinate_path): input_pdb_file = app.PDBFile(self.input_coordinate_file) with open(local_input_coordinate_path, 'w+') as configuration_file: app.PDBFile.writeFile(input_pdb_file.topology, input_pdb_file.positions, configuration_file) # Run the simulation. result = self._simulate(directory, self._context, self._integrator) if isinstance(result, PropertyEstimatorException): return result # Set the output paths. self.trajectory_file_path = self._local_trajectory_path self.statistics_file_path = os.path.join(directory, 'statistics.csv') # Save out the final statistics in the property estimator format self._save_final_statistics(self.statistics_file_path, temperature, pressure) return self._get_output_dictionary()
def _setup_simulation_objects(self, temperature, pressure, available_resources): """Initializes the objects needed to perform the simulation. This comprises of a context, and an integrator. Parameters ---------- temperature: simtk.unit.Quantity The temperature to run the simulation at. pressure: simtk.unit.Quantity The pressure to run the simulation at. available_resources: ComputeResources The resources available to run on. Returns ------- simtk.openmm.Context The created openmm context which takes advantage of the available compute resources. openmmtools.integrators.LangevinIntegrator The Langevin integrator which will propogate the simulation. """ import openmmtools from simtk.openmm import XmlSerializer # Create a platform with the correct resources. if not self.allow_gpu_platforms: from propertyestimator.backends import ComputeResources available_resources = ComputeResources(available_resources.number_of_threads) platform = setup_platform_with_resources(available_resources, self.high_precision) # Load in the system object from the provided xml file. with open(self.system_path, 'r') as file: system = XmlSerializer.deserialize( # Disable the periodic boundary conditions if requested. if not self.enable_pbc: disable_pbc(system) pressure = None # Use the openmmtools ThermodynamicState object to help # set up a system which contains the correct barostat if # one should be present. openmm_state = openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState(system=system, temperature=temperature, pressure=pressure) system = openmm_state.get_system(remove_thermostat=True) # Set up the integrator. thermostat_friction = pint_quantity_to_openmm(self.thermostat_friction) timestep = pint_quantity_to_openmm(self.timestep) integrator = openmmtools.integrators.LangevinIntegrator(temperature=temperature, collision_rate=thermostat_friction, timestep=timestep) # Create the simulation context. context = openmm.Context(system, integrator, platform) # Initialize the context with the correct positions etc. input_pdb_file = app.PDBFile(self.input_coordinate_file) if self.enable_pbc: # Optionally set up the box vectors. box_vectors = input_pdb_file.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors() if box_vectors is None: raise ValueError('The input file must contain box vectors ' 'when running with PBC.') context.setPeriodicBoxVectors(*box_vectors) context.setPositions(input_pdb_file.positions) context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(temperature) return context, integrator def _write_checkpoint_file(self, current_step_number, context): """Writes a simulation checkpoint file to disk. Parameters ---------- current_step_number: int The total number of steps which have been taken so far. context: simtk.openmm.Context The current OpenMM context. """ # Write the current state to disk state = context.getState(getPositions=True, getEnergy=True, getVelocities=True, getForces=True, getParameters=True, enforcePeriodicBox=self.enable_pbc) with open(self._state_path, 'w') as file: file.write(openmm.XmlSerializer.serialize(state)) checkpoint = self._Checkpoint(self.output_frequency, self.checkpoint_frequency, self.steps_per_iteration, current_step_number) with open(self._checkpoint_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(checkpoint, file, cls=TypedJSONEncoder) def _truncate_statistics_file(self, number_of_frames): """Truncates the statistics file to the specified number of frames. Parameters ---------- number_of_frames: int The number of frames to truncate to. """ with open(self._local_statistics_path) as file: header_line = file.readline() file_contents = re.sub('#.*\n', '', with io.StringIO(file_contents) as string_object: existing_statistics_array = pd.read_csv(string_object, index_col=False, header=None) statistics_length = len(existing_statistics_array) if statistics_length < number_of_frames: raise ValueError(f'The saved number of statistics frames ({statistics_length}) ' f'is less than expected ({number_of_frames}).') elif statistics_length == number_of_frames: return truncated_statistics_array = existing_statistics_array[0:number_of_frames] with open(self._local_statistics_path, 'w') as file: file.write(f'{header_line}') truncated_statistics_array.to_csv(file, index=False, header=False) def _truncate_trajectory_file(self, number_of_frames): """Truncates the trajectory file to the specified number of frames. Parameters ---------- number_of_frames: int The number of frames to truncate to. """ import mdtraj from mdtraj.formats.dcd import DCDTrajectoryFile from mdtraj.utils import in_units_of # Load in the required topology object. topology = mdtraj.load_topology(self.input_coordinate_file) # Parse the internal mdtraj distance unit. While private access is # undesirable, this is never publicly defined and I believe this # route to be preferable over hard coding this unit here. base_distance_unit = mdtraj.Trajectory._distance_unit # Get an accurate measurement of the length of the trajectory # without reading it into memory. trajectory_length = 0 for chunk in mdtraj.iterload(self._local_trajectory_path, top=topology): trajectory_length += len(chunk) # Make sure there is at least the expected number of frames. if trajectory_length < number_of_frames: raise ValueError(f'The saved number of trajectory frames ({trajectory_length}) ' f'is less than expected ({number_of_frames}).') elif trajectory_length == number_of_frames: return # Truncate the trajectory by streaming one frame of the trajectory at # a time. temporary_trajectory_path = f'{self._local_trajectory_path}.tmp' with DCDTrajectoryFile(self._local_trajectory_path, 'r') as input_file: with DCDTrajectoryFile(temporary_trajectory_path, 'w') as output_file: for frame_index in range(0, number_of_frames): frame = input_file.read_as_traj(topology, n_frames=1, stride=1) output_file.write( xyz=in_units_of(, base_distance_unit, output_file.distance_unit), cell_lengths=in_units_of(frame.unitcell_lengths, base_distance_unit, output_file.distance_unit), cell_angles=frame.unitcell_angles[0] ) os.replace(temporary_trajectory_path, self._local_trajectory_path) # Do a sanity check to make sure the trajectory was successfully truncated. new_trajectory_length = 0 for chunk in mdtraj.iterload(self._local_trajectory_path, top=self.input_coordinate_file): new_trajectory_length += len(chunk) if new_trajectory_length != number_of_frames: raise ValueError('The trajectory was incorrectly truncated.') def _resume_from_checkpoint(self, context): """Resumes the simulation from a checkpoint file. Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm.Context The current OpenMM context. Returns ------- int The current step number. """ current_step_number = 0 # Check whether the checkpoint files actually exists. if (not os.path.isfile(self._checkpoint_path) or not os.path.isfile(self._state_path)):'No checkpoint files were found.') return current_step_number if (not os.path.isfile(self._local_statistics_path) or not os.path.isfile(self._local_trajectory_path)): raise ValueError('Checkpoint files were correctly found, but the trajectory ' 'or statistics files seem to be missing. This should not happen.')'Restoring the system state from checkpoint files.') # If they do, load the current state from disk. with open(self._state_path, 'r') as file: current_state = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize( with open(self._checkpoint_path, 'r') as file: checkpoint = json.load(file, cls=TypedJSONDecoder) if (self.output_frequency != checkpoint.output_frequency or self.checkpoint_frequency != checkpoint.checkpoint_frequency or self.steps_per_iteration != checkpoint.steps_per_iteration): raise ValueError('Neither the output frequency, the checkpoint ' 'frequency, nor the steps per iteration can ' 'currently be changed during the course of the ' 'simulation. Only the number of iterations is ' 'allowed to change.') # Make sure this simulation hasn't already finished. total_expected_number_of_steps = self.total_number_of_iterations * self.steps_per_iteration if checkpoint.current_step_number == total_expected_number_of_steps: return checkpoint.current_step_number context.setState(current_state) # Make sure that the number of frames in the trajectory / # statistics file correspond to the recorded number of steps. # This is to handle possible cases where only some of the files # have been written from the current step (i.e only the trajectory may # have been written to before this protocol gets unexpectedly killed. expected_number_of_frames = int(checkpoint.current_step_number / self.output_frequency) # Handle the truncation of the statistics file. self._truncate_statistics_file(expected_number_of_frames) # Handle the truncation of the trajectory file. self._truncate_trajectory_file(expected_number_of_frames)'System state restored from checkpoint files.') return checkpoint.current_step_number def _save_final_statistics(self, path, temperature, pressure): """Converts the openmm statistic csv file into a propertyestimator StatisticsArray csv file, making sure to fill in any missing entries. Parameters ---------- path: str The path to save the statistics to. temperature: unit.Quantity The temperature that the simulation is being run at. pressure: unit.Quantity The pressure that the simulation is being run at. """ statistics = StatisticsArray.from_openmm_csv(self._local_statistics_path, pressure) reduced_potentials = statistics[ObservableType.PotentialEnergy] / unit.avogadro_number if pressure is not None: pv_terms = pressure * statistics[ObservableType.Volume] reduced_potentials += pv_terms beta = 1.0 / (unit.boltzmann_constant * temperature) statistics[ObservableType.ReducedPotential] = (beta * reduced_potentials).to(unit.dimensionless) statistics.to_pandas_csv(path) def _simulate(self, directory, context, integrator): """Performs the simulation using a given context and integrator. Parameters ---------- directory: str The directory the trajectory is being run in. context: simtk.openmm.Context The OpenMM context to run with. integrator: simtk.openmm.Integrator The integrator to evolve the simulation with. """ # Define how many steps should be taken. total_number_of_steps = self.total_number_of_iterations * self.steps_per_iteration # Try to load the current state from any available checkpoint information current_step = self._resume_from_checkpoint(context) if current_step == total_number_of_steps: return None # Build the reporters which we will use to report the state # of the simulation. append_trajectory = os.path.isfile(self._local_trajectory_path) dcd_reporter = app.DCDReporter(self._local_trajectory_path, 0, append_trajectory) statistics_file = open(self._local_statistics_path, 'a+') statistics_reporter = app.StateDataReporter(statistics_file, 0, step=True, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, totalEnergy=True, temperature=True, volume=True, density=True) # Create the object which will transfer simulation output to the # reporters. topology = app.PDBFile(self.input_coordinate_file).topology with open(self.system_path, 'r') as file: system = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize( simulation = self._Simulation(integrator, topology, system, current_step) # Perform the simulation. checkpoint_counter = 0 try: while current_step < total_number_of_steps: steps_to_take = min(self.output_frequency, total_number_of_steps - current_step) integrator.step(steps_to_take) current_step += steps_to_take state = context.getState(getPositions=True, getEnergy=True, getVelocities=False, getForces=False, getParameters=False, enforcePeriodicBox=self.enable_pbc) simulation.currentStep = current_step # Write out the current state using the reporters., state), state) if checkpoint_counter >= self.checkpoint_frequency: # Save to the checkpoint file if needed. self._write_checkpoint_file(current_step, context) checkpoint_counter = 0 checkpoint_counter += 1 except Exception as e: formatted_exception = f'{traceback.format_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)}' return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message=f'The simulation failed unexpectedly: ' f'{formatted_exception}') # Save out the final positions. self._write_checkpoint_file(current_step, context) final_state = context.getState(getPositions=True) positions = final_state.getPositions() topology.setPeriodicBoxVectors(final_state.getPeriodicBoxVectors()) self.output_coordinate_file = os.path.join(directory, 'output.pdb') with open(self.output_coordinate_file, 'w+') as configuration_file: app.PDBFile.writeFile(topology, positions, configuration_file)'Simulation performed in the {str(self.ensemble)} ensemble: {self._id}') return None