Source code for propertyestimator.protocols.coordinates

A collection of protocols for building coordinates for molecular systems.
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from os import path

import numpy as np
from simtk.openmm import app

from propertyestimator import unit
from propertyestimator.substances import Substance
from propertyestimator.utils import packmol, create_molecule_from_smiles
from propertyestimator.utils.exceptions import PropertyEstimatorException
from propertyestimator.workflow.decorators import protocol_input, protocol_output, UNDEFINED
from propertyestimator.workflow.plugins import register_calculation_protocol
from propertyestimator.workflow.protocols import BaseProtocol

[docs]@register_calculation_protocol() class BuildCoordinatesPackmol(BaseProtocol): """Creates a set of 3D coordinates with a specified composition using the PACKMOL package. """ max_molecules = protocol_input( docstring='The maximum number of molecules to be added to the system.', type_hint=int, default_value=1000 ) mass_density = protocol_input( docstring='The target density of the created system.', type_hint=unit.Quantity, default_value=0.95 * unit.grams / unit.milliliters ) box_aspect_ratio = protocol_input( docstring='The aspect ratio of the simulation box.', type_hint=list, default_value=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) substance = protocol_input( docstring='The composition of the system to build.', type_hint=Substance, default_value=UNDEFINED ) verbose_packmol = protocol_input( docstring='If True, packmol will print verbose information to the logger', type_hint=bool, default_value=False ) retain_packmol_files = protocol_input( docstring='If True, packmol will not delete all of the temporary files ' 'it creates while building the coordinates.', type_hint=bool, default_value=False ) output_number_of_molecules = protocol_output( docstring='The number of molecules in the created system. This ' 'may be less than maximum requested due to rounding of ' 'mole fractions', type_hint=int ) output_substance = protocol_output( docstring='The substance which was built by packmol. This may differ ' 'from the input substance for system containing two or ' 'more components due to rounding of mole fractions. The ' 'mole fractions provided by this output should always be ' 'used when weighting values by a mole fraction.', type_hint=Substance ) coordinate_file_path = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the created PDB coordinate file.', type_hint=str )
[docs] def __init__(self, protocol_id): """Constructs a new BuildCoordinatesPackmol object.""" super().__init__(protocol_id)
def _build_molecule_arrays(self, directory): """Converts the input substance into a list of openeye OEMol's and a list of counts for how many of each there should be as determined by the `max_molecules` input and the molecules respective mole fractions. Parameters ---------- directory: The directory in which this protocols working files are being saved. Returns ------- list of openeye.oechem.OEMol The list of openeye molecules. list of int The number of each molecule which should be added to the system. PropertyEstimatorException, optional None if no exceptions occurred, otherwise the exception. """ molecules = [] for component in self.substance.components: molecule = create_molecule_from_smiles(component.smiles) if molecule is None: return None, None, PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message=f'{component} could not be converted ' f'to a Molecule') molecules.append(molecule) # Determine how many molecules of each type will be present in the system. molecules_per_component = self.substance.get_molecules_per_component(self.max_molecules) number_of_molecules = [0] * self.substance.number_of_components for index, component in enumerate(self.substance.components): number_of_molecules[index] = molecules_per_component[component.identifier] if sum(number_of_molecules) > self.max_molecules: return None, None, PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message=f'The number of molecules to create ' f'({sum(number_of_molecules)}) is greater ' f'than the maximum number requested ' f'({self.max_molecules}).') return molecules, number_of_molecules, None def _rebuild_substance(self, number_of_molecules): """Rebuilds the `Substance` object which the protocol will create coordinates. This may not be the same as the input system due to the finite number of molecules to be added causing rounding of mole fractions. Parameters ---------- number_of_molecules: list of int The number of each component which should be added to the system. Returns ------- Substance The substance which contains the corrected component amounts. """ new_amounts = defaultdict(list) total_number_of_molecules = sum(number_of_molecules) # Handle any exact amounts. for component in self.substance.components: exact_amounts = [amount for amount in self.substance.get_amounts(component) if isinstance(amount, Substance.ExactAmount)] if len(exact_amounts) == 0: continue total_number_of_molecules -= exact_amounts[0].value new_amounts[component].append(exact_amounts[0]) # Recompute the mole fractions. total_mole_fraction = 0.0 number_of_new_mole_fractions = 0 for index, component in enumerate(self.substance.components): mole_fractions = [amount for amount in self.substance.get_amounts(component) if isinstance(amount, Substance.MoleFraction)] if len(mole_fractions) == 0: continue molecule_count = number_of_molecules[index] if component in new_amounts: molecule_count -= new_amounts[component][0].value new_mole_fraction = molecule_count / total_number_of_molecules new_amounts[component].append(Substance.MoleFraction(new_mole_fraction)) total_mole_fraction += new_mole_fraction number_of_new_mole_fractions += 1 if not np.isclose(total_mole_fraction, 1.0) and number_of_new_mole_fractions > 0: raise ValueError('The new mole fraction does not equal 1.0') output_substance = Substance() for component, amounts in new_amounts.items(): for amount in amounts: output_substance.add_component(component, amount) return output_substance def _save_results(self, directory, topology, positions): """Save the results of running PACKMOL in the working directory Parameters ---------- directory: str The directory to save the results in. topology : simtk.openmm.Topology The topology of the created system. positions : propertyestimator.unit.Quantity A `propertyestimator.unit.Quantity` wrapped `numpy.ndarray` (shape=[natoms,3]) which contains the created positions with units compatible with angstroms. """ from simtk import unit as simtk_unit simtk_positions = * simtk_unit.angstrom self.coordinate_file_path = path.join(directory, 'output.pdb') with open(self.coordinate_file_path, 'w+') as minimised_file: # noinspection PyTypeChecker app.PDBFile.writeFile(topology, simtk_positions, minimised_file)'Coordinates generated: ' + self.substance.identifier)
[docs] def execute(self, directory, available_resources):'Generating coordinates for {self.substance.identifier}: {}') if self.substance is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='The substance input is non-optional') molecules, number_of_molecules, exception = self._build_molecule_arrays(directory) if exception is not None: return exception self.output_number_of_molecules = sum(number_of_molecules) self.output_substance = self._rebuild_substance(number_of_molecules) packmol_directory = path.join(directory, 'packmol_files') # Create packed box topology, positions = packmol.pack_box(molecules=molecules, number_of_copies=number_of_molecules, mass_density=self.mass_density, box_aspect_ratio=self.box_aspect_ratio, verbose=self.verbose_packmol, working_directory=packmol_directory, retain_working_files=self.retain_packmol_files) if topology is None or positions is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='Packmol failed to complete.') self._save_results(directory, topology, positions) return self._get_output_dictionary()
[docs]@register_calculation_protocol() class SolvateExistingStructure(BuildCoordinatesPackmol): """Solvates a set of 3D coordinates with a specified solvent using the PACKMOL package. """ solute_coordinate_file = protocol_input( docstring='A file path to the solute to solvate.', type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED )
[docs] def __init__(self, protocol_id): """Constructs a new SolvateExistingStructure object.""" super().__init__(protocol_id)
[docs] def execute(self, directory, available_resources):'Generating coordinates for {self.substance.identifier}: {}') if self.substance is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='The substance input is non-optional') if self.solute_coordinate_file is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='The solute coordinate file input is non-optional') molecules, number_of_molecules, exception = self._build_molecule_arrays(directory) if exception is not None: return exception packmol_directory = path.join(directory, 'packmol_files') # Create packed box topology, positions = packmol.pack_box(molecules=molecules, number_of_copies=number_of_molecules, structure_to_solvate=self.solute_coordinate_file, mass_density=self.mass_density, verbose=self.verbose_packmol, working_directory=packmol_directory, retain_working_files=self.retain_packmol_files) if topology is None or positions is None: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='Packmol failed to complete.') self._save_results(directory, topology, positions) return self._get_output_dictionary()
[docs]@register_calculation_protocol() class BuildDockedCoordinates(BaseProtocol): """Creates a set of coordinates for a ligand bound to some receptor. Notes ----- This protocol currently only supports docking with the OpenEye OEDocking framework. """
[docs] class ActivateSiteLocation(Enum): """An enum which describes the methods by which a receptors activate site(s) is located.""" ReceptorCenterOfMass = 'ReceptorCenterOfMass'
ligand_substance = protocol_input( docstring='A substance containing only the ligand to dock.', type_hint=Substance, default_value=UNDEFINED ) number_of_ligand_conformers = protocol_input( docstring='The number of conformers to try and dock into the ' 'receptor structure.', type_hint=int, default_value=100 ) receptor_coordinate_file = protocol_input( docstring='The file path to the MOL2 coordinates of the receptor molecule.', type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED ) activate_site_location = protocol_input( docstring='Defines the method by which the activate site is identified.', type_hint=ActivateSiteLocation, default_value=ActivateSiteLocation.ReceptorCenterOfMass ) docked_ligand_coordinate_path = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the coordinates of the ligand in ' 'it\'s docked pose, aligned with the initial ' '`receptor_coordinate_file`.', type_hint=str ) docked_complex_coordinate_path = protocol_output( docstring='The file path to the docked ligand-receptor complex.', type_hint=str ) ligand_residue_name = protocol_output( docstring='The residue name assigned to the docked ligand.', type_hint=str ) receptor_residue_name = protocol_output( docstring='The residue name assigned to the receptor.', type_hint=str )
[docs] def __init__(self, protocol_id): """Constructs a new SolvateExistingStructure object.""" super().__init__(protocol_id) self.ligand_residue_name = 'LIG' self.receptor_residue_name = 'REC'
def _create_receptor(self): """Create an OpenEye receptor from a mol2 file. Returns ------- openeye.oedocking.OEReceptor The OpenEye receptor object. """ from openeye import oechem, oedocking input_stream = oechem.oemolistream(self.receptor_coordinate_file) original_receptor_molecule = oechem.OEGraphMol() oechem.OEReadMolecule(input_stream, original_receptor_molecule) center_of_mass = oechem.OEFloatArray(3) oechem.OEGetCenterOfMass(original_receptor_molecule, center_of_mass) receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol() oedocking.OEMakeReceptor(receptor, original_receptor_molecule, center_of_mass[0], center_of_mass[1], center_of_mass[2]) return receptor def _create_ligand(self): """Create an OpenEye receptor from a mol2 file. Returns ------- openeye.oechem.OEMol The OpenEye ligand object with multiple conformers. """ from openforcefield.topology import Molecule ligand = Molecule.from_smiles(self.ligand_substance.components[0].smiles) ligand.generate_conformers(n_conformers=self.number_of_ligand_conformers) # Assign AM1-BCC charges to the ligand just as an initial guess # for docking. In future, we may want to get the charge model # directly from the force field. ligand.compute_partial_charges_am1bcc() return ligand.to_openeye()
[docs] def execute(self, directory, available_resources): if (len(self.ligand_substance.components) != 1 or self.ligand_substance.components[0].role != Substance.ComponentRole.Ligand): return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='The ligand substance must contain a single ligand component.') import mdtraj from openeye import oechem, oedocking from simtk import unit as simtk_unit'Initializing the receptor molecule.') receptor_molecule = self._create_receptor()'Initializing the ligand molecule.') ligand_molecule = self._create_ligand()'Initializing the docking object.') # Dock the ligand to the receptor. dock = oedocking.OEDock() dock.Initialize(receptor_molecule) docked_ligand = oechem.OEGraphMol()'Performing the docking.') status = dock.DockMultiConformerMolecule(docked_ligand, ligand_molecule) if status != oedocking.OEDockingReturnCode_Success: return PropertyEstimatorException(directory=directory, message='The ligand could not be successfully docked') docking_method = oedocking.OEDockMethodGetName(oedocking.OEDockMethod_Default) oedocking.OESetSDScore(docked_ligand, dock, docking_method) dock.AnnotatePose(docked_ligand) self.docked_ligand_coordinate_path = path.join(directory, 'ligand.pdb') output_stream = oechem.oemolostream(self.docked_ligand_coordinate_path) oechem.OEWriteMolecule(output_stream, docked_ligand) output_stream.close() receptor_pdb_path = path.join(directory, 'receptor.pdb') output_stream = oechem.oemolostream(receptor_pdb_path) oechem.OEWriteMolecule(output_stream, receptor_molecule) output_stream.close() ligand_trajectory = mdtraj.load(self.docked_ligand_coordinate_path) ligand_residue = ligand_trajectory.topology.residue(0) = self.ligand_residue_name # Save the ligand file with the correct residue name. receptor_trajectory = mdtraj.load(receptor_pdb_path) receptor_residue = receptor_trajectory.topology.residue(0) = self.receptor_residue_name # Create a merged ligand-receptor topology. complex_topology = ligand_trajectory.topology.copy() atom_mapping = {} new_residue = complex_topology.add_residue(, complex_topology.chain(0)) for receptor_atom in receptor_residue.atoms: new_atom = complex_topology.add_atom(, receptor_atom.element, new_residue, serial=receptor_atom.serial) atom_mapping[receptor_atom] = new_atom for bond in receptor_trajectory.topology.bonds: complex_topology.add_bond(atom_mapping[bond[0]], atom_mapping[bond[1]], type=bond.type, order=bond.order) complex_positions = [] complex_positions.extend(ligand_trajectory.openmm_positions(0).value_in_unit(simtk_unit.angstrom)) complex_positions.extend(receptor_trajectory.openmm_positions(0).value_in_unit(simtk_unit.angstrom)) complex_positions *= simtk_unit.angstrom self.docked_complex_coordinate_path = path.join(directory, 'complex.pdb') with open(self.docked_complex_coordinate_path, 'w+') as file: app.PDBFile.writeFile(complex_topology.to_openmm(), complex_positions, file) return self._get_output_dictionary()