Source code for propertyestimator.workflow.utils

"""A set of helper classes for manipulating and passing inputs between
buildings blocks in a property estimation workflow.

from propertyestimator.utils import graph

[docs]class PlaceholderInput: """A class to act as a place holder for a protocols input value, for when the value of an input is not known a priori, and does not come from another protocol. """ def __getstate__(self): return {} def __setstate__(self, state): pass
[docs]class ReplicatorValue(PlaceholderInput): """A placeholder value which will be set by a protocol replicator with the specified id. """
[docs] def __init__(self, replicator_id=''): """Constructs a new ReplicatorValue object Parameters ---------- replicator_id: str The id of the replicator which will set this value. """ self.replicator_id = replicator_id
def __getstate__(self): return { 'replicator_id': self.replicator_id } def __setstate__(self, state): self.replicator_id = state['replicator_id']
[docs]class ProtocolPath(PlaceholderInput): """Represents a pointer to the output of another protocol. """ path_separator = '/' # The character which separates protocol ids. property_separator = '.' # The character which separates the property name from the path. @property def property_name(self): """str: The property name pointed to by the path.""" property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) return property_name @property def start_protocol(self): """str: The leading protocol id of the path.""" property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) return None if len(protocol_ids) == 0 else protocol_ids[0] @property def last_protocol(self): """str: The leading protocol id of the path.""" property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) return None if len(protocol_ids) == 0 else protocol_ids[len(protocol_ids) - 1] @property def protocol_path(self): """str: The full path referenced by this object excluding the property name.""" _, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) return ProtocolPath.path_separator.join(protocol_ids) @property def full_path(self): """str: The full path referenced by this object.""" return self._full_path @property def is_global(self): return self.start_protocol == 'global'
[docs] def __init__(self, property_name='', *protocol_ids): """Constructs a new ProtocolPath object. Parameters ---------- property_name: str The property name referenced by the path. protocol_ids: str An args list of protocol ids in the order in which they will appear in the path. """ self._full_path = '' if len(property_name) > 0 or len(protocol_ids) > 0: self._from_components(property_name, *protocol_ids) else: self._full_path = '{}'.format(ProtocolPath.property_separator)
def _from_components(self, property_name, *protocol_ids): """Sets this components path from individual components. Parameters ---------- property_name: str The property name referenced by the path. protocol_ids: str A list of protocol ids in the order in which they will appear in the path. """ assert property_name is not None and isinstance(property_name, str) assert property_name.find(ProtocolPath.path_separator) < 0 for protocol_id in protocol_ids: assert protocol_id is not None and isinstance(protocol_id, str) assert protocol_id.find(ProtocolPath.property_separator) < 0 and \ protocol_id.find(ProtocolPath.path_separator) < 0 protocol_path = ProtocolPath.path_separator.join(protocol_ids) if len(protocol_ids) == 0: protocol_path = '' self._full_path = '{}{}{}'.format(protocol_path, ProtocolPath.property_separator, property_name) @classmethod def from_string(cls, existing_path_string: str): existing_path_string = existing_path_string.lstrip().rstrip() property_name_index = existing_path_string.find(ProtocolPath.property_separator) if property_name_index < 0: raise ValueError('A protocol path must contain a {} followed by the ' 'property name this path represents'.format(ProtocolPath.property_separator)) property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(existing_path_string) for protocol_id in protocol_ids: if protocol_id is not None and len(protocol_id) > 0: continue raise ValueError('An invalid protocol id (either None or empty) was found.') return ProtocolPath(property_name, *protocol_ids)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_components(path_string): """Splits a protocol path string into the property name, and the individual protocol ids. Parameters ---------- path_string: str The protocol path to split. Returns ------- str, list of str A tuple of the property name, and a list of the protocol ids in the path. """ property_name_index = path_string.find(ProtocolPath.property_separator) property_name = path_string[property_name_index + 1:] protocol_id_path = path_string[:property_name_index] protocol_ids = protocol_id_path.split(ProtocolPath.path_separator) if len(protocol_id_path) == 0: protocol_ids = [] return property_name, protocol_ids
[docs] def prepend_protocol_id(self, id_to_prepend): """Prepend a new protocol id onto the front of the path. Parameters ---------- id_to_prepend: str The protocol id to prepend to the path """ property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) if len(protocol_ids) == 0 or (len(protocol_ids) > 0 and protocol_ids[0] != id_to_prepend): protocol_ids.insert(0, id_to_prepend) self._from_components(property_name, *protocol_ids)
[docs] def pop_next_in_path(self): """Pops and then returns the leading protocol id from the path. Returns ------- str: The previously leading protocol id. """ property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) if len(protocol_ids) == 0: return None next_in_path = protocol_ids.pop(0) self._from_components(property_name, *protocol_ids) return next_in_path
[docs] def append_uuid(self, uuid): """Appends a uuid to each of the protocol id's in the path Parameters ---------- uuid: str The uuid to append. """ if self.is_global: # Don't append uuids to global paths. return property_name, protocol_ids = ProtocolPath.to_components(self._full_path) appended_ids = [] for protocol_id in protocol_ids: if protocol_id is None: continue appended_id = graph.append_uuid(protocol_id, uuid) appended_ids.append(appended_id) self._from_components(property_name, *appended_ids)
[docs] def replace_protocol(self, old_id, new_id): """Redirect the input to point at a new protocol. The main use of this method is when merging multiple protocols into one. Parameters ---------- old_id : str The id of the protocol to replace. new_id : str The id of the new protocol to use. """ self._full_path = self._full_path.replace(old_id, new_id)
@classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, v): if isinstance(v, str): return ProtocolPath.from_string(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): path_object = ProtocolPath('', *[]) path_object.__setstate__(v) v = path_object return v def __str__(self): return self._full_path def __repr__(self): return '<ProtocolPath full_path={}>'.format(self._full_path) def __hash__(self): """Returns the hash key of this ProtocolPath.""" return hash(self._full_path) def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if the two inputs are equal.""" return type(self) == type(other) and self._full_path == other.full_path def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if the two inputs are not equal.""" return not (self == other) def __getstate__(self): return {'full_path': self._full_path} def __setstate__(self, state): self._full_path = state['full_path']