Source code for propertyestimator.workflow.schemas

A collection of schemas which represent elements of a property calculation workflow.
import re

from propertyestimator.utils.quantities import EstimatedQuantity
from propertyestimator.utils.serialization import TypedBaseModel
from propertyestimator.workflow.plugins import available_protocols
from propertyestimator.workflow.typing import is_type_subclass_of_type
from propertyestimator.workflow.utils import ProtocolPath, ReplicatorValue

[docs]class ProtocolSchema(TypedBaseModel): """A json serializable representation of a workflow protocol. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructs a new ProtocolSchema object. """ = None self.type = None self.inputs = {}
def __getstate__(self): return { 'id':, 'type': self.type, 'inputs': self.inputs } def __setstate__(self, state): = state['id'] self.type = state['type'] self.inputs = state['inputs']
[docs]class ProtocolGroupSchema(ProtocolSchema): """A json serializable representation of a workflow protocol group. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructs a new ProtocolGroupSchema object. """ super().__init__() self.grouped_protocol_schemas = []
def __getstate__(self): state = super(ProtocolGroupSchema, self).__getstate__() state.update({ 'grouped_protocol_schemas': self.grouped_protocol_schemas, }) return state def __setstate__(self, state): super(ProtocolGroupSchema, self).__setstate__(state) self.grouped_protocol_schemas = state['grouped_protocol_schemas']
[docs]class ProtocolReplicator(TypedBaseModel): """A protocol replicator contains the information necessary to replicate parts of a property estimation workflow. Any protocol whose id includes `$(` (where `` is the id of a replicator) will be cloned for each value present in `template_values`. Protocols that are being replicated will also have any ReplicatorValue inputs replaced with the actual value taken from `template_values`. When the protocol is replicated, the `$(` placeholder in the protocol id will be replaced an integer which corresponds to the index of a value in the `template_values` array. Any protocols which take input from a replicated protocol will be updated to instead take a list of value, populated by the outputs of the replicated protocols. Notes ----- * The `template_values` property must be a list of either constant values, or `ProtocolPath` objects which take their value from the `global` scope. * If children of replicated protocols are also flagged as to be replicated, they will only have their ids changed to match the index of the parent protocol, as opposed to being fully replicated. """ @property def placeholder_id(self): """The string which protocols to be replicated should include in their ids.""" return f'$({})'
[docs] def __init__(self, replicator_id=''): """Constructs a new ProtocolReplicator object. Parameters ---------- replicator_id: str The id of this replicator. """ = replicator_id self.template_values = None
def __getstate__(self): return { 'id':, 'template_values': self.template_values } def __setstate__(self, state): = state['id'] self.template_values = state['template_values']
[docs] def apply(self, protocols, template_values=None, template_index=-1, template_value=None): """Applies this replicator to the provided set of protocols and any of their children. This protocol should be followed by a call to `update_references` to ensure that all protocols which take their input from a replicated protocol get correctly updated. Parameters ---------- protocols: dict of str and BaseProtocol The protocols to apply the replicator to. template_values: list of Any A list of the values which will be inserted into the newly replicated protocols. This parameter is mutually exclusive with `template_index` and `template_value` template_index: int, optional A specific value which should be used for any protocols flagged as to be replicated by this replicator. This option is mainly used when replicating children of an already replicated protocol. This parameter is mutually exclusive with `template_values` and must be set along with a `template_value`. template_value: Any, optional A specific index which should be used for any protocols flagged as to be replicated by this replicator. This option is mainly used when replicating children of an already replicated protocol. This parameter is mutually exclusive with `template_values` and must be set along with a `template_index`. Returns ------- dict of str and BaseProtocol The replicated protocols. dict of ProtocolPath and list of tuple of ProtocolPath and int A dictionary of references to all of the protocols which have been replicated, with keys of original protocol ids. Each value is comprised of a list of the replicated protocol ids, and their index into the `template_values` array. """ if ((template_values is not None and (template_index >= 0 or template_value is not None)) or (template_values is None and (template_index < 0 or template_value is None))): raise ValueError(f'Either the template values array must be set, or a specific ' f'template index and value must be passed.') replicated_protocols = {} replicated_protocol_map = {} for protocol_id, protocol in protocols.items(): should_replicate = self.placeholder_id in protocol_id # If this protocol should not be directly replicated then try and # replicate any child protocols... if not should_replicate: replicated_protocols[protocol_id] = protocol if template_index is not None and template_index >= 0: # Make sure to include children of replicated protocols in the # map to ensure correct behaviour when updating children of replicated # protocols which have the replicator id in their name, and take input # from another child protocol which doesn't have the replicator id in # its name. if ProtocolPath('', protocol_id) not in replicated_protocol_map: replicated_protocol_map[ProtocolPath('', protocol_id)] = [] replicated_protocol_map[ProtocolPath('', protocol_id)].append( (ProtocolPath('', protocol_id), template_index)) self._apply_to_protocol_children(protocol, replicated_protocol_map, template_values, template_index, template_value) continue # ..otherwise, we need to replicate this protocol. replicated_protocols.update(self._apply_to_protocol(protocol, replicated_protocol_map, template_values, template_index, template_value)) return replicated_protocols, replicated_protocol_map
def _apply_to_protocol(self, protocol, replicated_protocol_map, template_values=None, template_index=-1, template_value=None): replicated_protocol_map[ProtocolPath('',] = [] replicated_protocols = {} template_values_dict = {template_index: template_value} if template_values is not None: template_values_dict = {index: template_value for index, template_value in enumerate(template_values)} for index, template_value in template_values_dict.items(): protocol_schema = protocol.schema =, str(index)) replicated_protocol = available_protocols[protocol_schema.type]( replicated_protocol.schema = protocol_schema replicated_protocol_map[ProtocolPath('',].append( (ProtocolPath('',, index)) # Pass the template values to any inputs which require them. for required_input in replicated_protocol.required_inputs: input_value = replicated_protocol.get_value(required_input) if not isinstance(input_value, ReplicatorValue): continue elif input_value.replicator_id != input_value.replicator_id = input_value.replicator_id.replace(self.placeholder_id, str(index)) continue replicated_protocol.set_value(required_input, template_value) self._apply_to_protocol_children(replicated_protocol, replicated_protocol_map, None, index, template_value) replicated_protocols[] = replicated_protocol return replicated_protocols def _apply_to_protocol_children(self, protocol, replicated_protocol_map, template_values=None, template_index=-1, template_value=None): replicated_child_ids = protocol.apply_replicator(self, template_values, template_index, template_value) # Append the id of this protocols to any replicated child protocols. for child_id, replicated_ids in replicated_child_ids.items(): child_id.prepend_protocol_id( for replicated_id, _ in replicated_ids: replicated_id.prepend_protocol_id( replicated_protocol_map.update(replicated_child_ids)
[docs] def update_references(self, protocols, replication_map, template_values): """Redirects the input references of protocols to the replicated versions. Parameters ---------- protocols: dict of str and BaseProtocol The protocols which have had this replicator applied to them. replication_map: dict of ProtocolPath and list of tuple of ProtocolPath and int A dictionary of references to all of the protocols which have been replicated, with keys of original protocol ids. Each value is comprised of a list of the replicated protocol ids, and their index into the `template_values` array. template_values: List of Any A list of the values which will be inserted into the newly replicated protocols. """ inverse_replication_map = {} for original_id, replicated_ids in replication_map.items(): for replicated_id, index in replicated_ids: inverse_replication_map[replicated_id] = (original_id, index) for protocol_id, protocol in protocols.items(): # Look at each of the protocols inputs and see if its value is either a ProtocolPath, # or a list of ProtocolPath's. for required_input in protocol.required_inputs: all_value_references = protocol.get_value_references(required_input) replicated_value_references = {} for source_path, value_reference in all_value_references.items(): if self.placeholder_id not in value_reference.full_path: continue replicated_value_references[source_path] = value_reference # If this protocol does not take input from one of the replicated protocols, # then we are done. if len(replicated_value_references) == 0: continue for source_path, value_reference in replicated_value_references.items(): full_source_path = ProtocolPath.from_string(source_path.full_path) full_source_path.prepend_protocol_id(protocol_id) # If the protocol was not itself replicated by this replicator, its value # is set to a list containing references to all newly replicated protocols. # Otherwise, the value will be set to a reference to just the protocol which # was replicated using the same index. value_source = [ProtocolPath.from_string(value_reference.full_path.replace( self.placeholder_id, str(index))) for index in range(len(template_values))] for replicated_id, map_tuple in inverse_replication_map.items(): original_id, replicated_index = map_tuple if full_source_path.protocol_path != replicated_id.protocol_path: continue value_source = ProtocolPath.from_string(value_reference.full_path.replace( self.placeholder_id, str(replicated_index))) break # Replace the input value with a list of ProtocolPath's that point to # the newly generated protocols. protocol.set_value(source_path, value_source)
[docs]class WorkflowOutputToStore: """An object which describes which data should be cached after a workflow has finished executing, and from which completed protocols should the data be collected from. A `WorkflowOutputToStore` maps to the `BaseStoredData` stored data class. Attributes ---------- substance: ProtocolPath A reference to the composition of the collected data. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructs a new WorkflowOutputToStore object.""" self.substance = None
def __getstate__(self): return_value = { 'substance': self.substance } return return_value def __setstate__(self, state): self.substance = state['substance']
[docs]class WorkflowSimulationDataToStore(WorkflowOutputToStore): """An object which describes which data should be cached after a workflow has finished executing, and from which completed protocols should the data be collected from. A `WorkflowSimulationDataToStore` maps to the creation of a `StoredSimulationData` stored data class. Attributes ---------- coordinate_file_path: ProtocolPath A reference to the file path of a coordinate file which encodes the topology of the system. trajectory_file_path: ProtocolPath A reference to the file path of a .dcd trajectory file containing configurations generated by the simulation. statistics_file_path: ProtocolPath A reference to the file path of of a `StatisticsArray` csv file, containing statistics generated by the simulation. statistical_inefficiency: ProtocolPath A reference to the statistical inefficiency of the collected data. total_number_of_molecules: ProtocolPath A reference to the total number of molecules in the system. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructs a new WorkflowSimulationDataToStore object.""" super().__init__() self.total_number_of_molecules = None self.trajectory_file_path = None self.coordinate_file_path = None self.statistics_file_path = None self.statistical_inefficiency = None
def __getstate__(self): return_value = super(WorkflowSimulationDataToStore, self).__getstate__() return_value.update({ 'total_number_of_molecules': self.total_number_of_molecules, 'trajectory_file_path': self.trajectory_file_path, 'coordinate_file_path': self.coordinate_file_path, 'statistics_file_path': self.statistics_file_path, 'statistical_inefficiency': self.statistical_inefficiency, }) return return_value def __setstate__(self, state): super(WorkflowSimulationDataToStore, self).__setstate__(state) self.total_number_of_molecules = state['total_number_of_molecules'] self.trajectory_file_path = state['trajectory_file_path'] self.coordinate_file_path = state['coordinate_file_path'] self.statistics_file_path = state['statistics_file_path'] self.statistical_inefficiency = state['statistical_inefficiency']
[docs]class WorkflowDataCollectionToStore(WorkflowOutputToStore): """An object which describes which data should be cached after a workflow has finished executing, and from which completed protocols should the data be collected from. A `WorkflowDataCollectionToStore` maps to the creation of a `StoredDataCollection` stored data class. Attributes ---------- data: dict of str and WorkflowSimulationDataToStore A dictionary of stored simulation data objects which have been given a unique key. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructs a new WorkflowDataCollectionToStore object.""" super().__init__() = {}
def __getstate__(self): return_value = super(WorkflowDataCollectionToStore, self).__getstate__() return_value.update({ 'data': }) return return_value def __setstate__(self, state): super(WorkflowDataCollectionToStore, self).__setstate__(state) = state['data']
[docs]class WorkflowSchema(TypedBaseModel): """Outlines the workflow which should be followed when calculating a certain property. """
[docs] def __init__(self, property_type=None): """Constructs a new WorkflowSchema object. Parameters ---------- property_type: str The type of property which this workflow aims to estimate. """ self.property_type = property_type = None self.protocols = {} self.replicators = [] self.final_value_source = None self.gradients_sources = [] self.outputs_to_store = {}
def __getstate__(self): return { 'property_type': self.property_type, 'id':, 'protocols': self.protocols, 'replicators': self.replicators, 'final_value_source': self.final_value_source, 'gradients_sources': self.gradients_sources, 'outputs_to_store': self.outputs_to_store, } def __setstate__(self, state): self.property_type = state['property_type'] = state['id'] self.protocols = state['protocols'] self.replicators = state['replicators'] self.final_value_source = state['final_value_source'] self.gradients_sources = state['gradients_sources'] self.outputs_to_store = state['outputs_to_store'] def _find_protocols_to_be_replicated(self, replicator, protocols=None): """Finds all protocols which have been flagged to be replicated by a specified replicator. Parameters ---------- replicator: ProtocolReplicator The replicator of interest. protocols: dict of str and ProtocolSchema or list of ProtocolSchema, optional The protocols to search through. If None, then all protocols in this schema will be searched. Returns ------- list of str The ids of the protocols to be replicated by the specified replicator """ if protocols is None: protocols = self.protocols if isinstance(protocols, list): protocols = { protocol for protocol in protocols} protocols_to_replicate = [] for protocol_id, protocol in protocols.items(): if protocol_id.find(replicator.placeholder_id) >= 0: protocols_to_replicate.append(protocol_id) # Search through any children if not isinstance(protocol, ProtocolGroupSchema): continue protocols_to_replicate.extend(self._find_protocols_to_be_replicated(replicator, protocol.grouped_protocol_schemas)) return protocols_to_replicate def _get_unreplicated_path(self, protocol_path): """Checks to see if the protocol pointed to by this path will only exist after a replicator has been applied, and if so, returns a path to the unreplicated protocol. Parameters ---------- protocol_path: ProtocolPath The path to convert to an unreplicated path. Returns ------- ProtocolPath The path which should point to only unreplicated protocols """ full_unreplicated_path = str(protocol_path.full_path) for replicator in self.replicators: if replicator.placeholder_id in full_unreplicated_path: continue protocols_to_replicate = self._find_protocols_to_be_replicated(replicator) for protocol_id in protocols_to_replicate: match_pattern = re.escape(protocol_id.replace(replicator.placeholder_id, r'\d+')) match_pattern = match_pattern.replace(re.escape(r'\d+'), r'\d+') full_unreplicated_path = re.sub(match_pattern, protocol_id, full_unreplicated_path) return ProtocolPath.from_string(full_unreplicated_path) def _validate_replicators(self): for replicator in self.replicators: assert is not None and len( > 0 # if len(replicator.protocols_to_replicate) == 0: # raise ValueError('A replicator does not have any protocols to replicate.') if (not isinstance(replicator.template_values, list) and not isinstance(replicator.template_values, ProtocolPath)): raise ValueError('The template values of a replicator must either be ' 'a list of values, or a reference to a list of values.') if isinstance(replicator.template_values, list): for template_value in replicator.template_values: if not isinstance(template_value, ProtocolPath): continue if template_value.start_protocol not in self.protocols: raise ValueError('The value source {} does not exist.'.format(template_value)) elif isinstance(replicator.template_values, ProtocolPath): if not replicator.template_values.is_global: raise ValueError('Template values must either be a constant, or come from the global ' 'scope.') if (self.final_value_source is not None and self.final_value_source.protocol_path.find(replicator.placeholder_id) >= 0): raise ValueError('The final value source cannot come from' 'a protocol which is being replicated.') def _validate_final_value(self): if self.final_value_source is None: return if self.final_value_source.start_protocol not in self.protocols: raise ValueError('The value source {} does not exist.'.format(self.final_value_source)) protocol_schema = self.protocols[self.final_value_source.start_protocol] protocol_object = available_protocols[protocol_schema.type]( protocol_object.schema = protocol_schema protocol_object.get_value(self.final_value_source) attribute_type = protocol_object.get_attribute_type(self.final_value_source) assert is_type_subclass_of_type(attribute_type, EstimatedQuantity) def _validate_gradients(self): from import ParameterGradient for gradient_source in self.gradients_sources: if gradient_source.start_protocol not in self.protocols: raise ValueError('The gradient source {} does not exist.'.format(gradient_source)) protocol_schema = self.protocols[gradient_source.start_protocol] protocol_object = available_protocols[protocol_schema.type]( protocol_object.schema = protocol_schema protocol_object.get_value(gradient_source) attribute_type = protocol_object.get_attribute_type(gradient_source) assert is_type_subclass_of_type(attribute_type, ParameterGradient) def _validate_output_to_store(self, output_to_store): """Validates that the references of a particular output to store are valid. Parameters ---------- output_to_store: WorkflowOutputToStore The output to store to validate. """ if not isinstance(output_to_store, WorkflowOutputToStore): raise ValueError('Only `WorkflowOutputToStore` derived objects are allowed ' 'in the outputs_to_store dictionary at this time.') attributes_to_check = ['substance'] if isinstance(output_to_store, WorkflowSimulationDataToStore): attributes_to_check.extend([ 'total_number_of_molecules', 'trajectory_file_path', 'coordinate_file_path', 'statistics_file_path', 'statistical_inefficiency', ]) for attribute_name in attributes_to_check: attribute_value = getattr(output_to_store, attribute_name) if isinstance(attribute_value, ReplicatorValue): if len(self.replicators) == 0: raise ValueError('An output to store is trying to take its value from a ' 'replicator, while this schema has no replicators.') elif len([replicator for replicator in self.replicators if attribute_value.replicator_id ==]) == 0: raise ValueError('An output to store is trying to take its value from a ' 'replicator {} which does not exist.'.format(attribute_value.replicator_id)) if not isinstance(attribute_value, ProtocolPath) or attribute_value.is_global: continue if attribute_value.start_protocol not in self.protocols: raise ValueError('The value source {} does not exist.'.format(attribute_value)) protocol_schema = self.protocols[attribute_value.start_protocol] protocol_object = available_protocols[protocol_schema.type]( protocol_object.schema = protocol_schema protocol_object.get_value(attribute_value) def _validate_outputs_to_store(self): """Validates that the references to the outputs to store are valid. """ for output_label in self.outputs_to_store: output_to_store = self.outputs_to_store[output_label] self._validate_output_to_store(output_to_store) if isinstance(output_to_store, WorkflowDataCollectionToStore): for inner_output_to_store in self._validate_output_to_store(inner_output_to_store)
[docs] def validate_interfaces(self): """Validates the flow of the data between protocols, ensuring that inputs and outputs correctly match up. """ self._validate_final_value() self._validate_gradients() self._validate_replicators() self._validate_outputs_to_store() for protocol_id in self.protocols: protocol_schema = self.protocols[protocol_id] protocol_object = available_protocols[protocol_schema.type]( protocol_object.schema = protocol_schema for input_path in protocol_object.required_inputs: input_value = protocol_object.get_value(input_path) if input_value is None: raise Exception('The {} required input of protocol {} in the {} schema was ' 'not set.'.format(input_path, protocol_id, for input_path in protocol_object.required_inputs: value_references = protocol_object.get_value_references(input_path) for source_path, value_reference in value_references.items(): if value_reference.is_global: # We handle global input validation separately continue value_reference = self._get_unreplicated_path(value_reference) # Make sure the other protocol whose output we are interested # in actually exists. if value_reference.start_protocol not in self.protocols: raise Exception('The {} protocol of the {} schema tries to take input from a non-existent ' 'protocol: {}'.format(,, value_reference.start_protocol)) other_protocol_schema = self.protocols[value_reference.start_protocol] other_protocol_object = available_protocols[other_protocol_schema.type]( other_protocol_object.schema = other_protocol_schema # Make allowances for dictionaries and lists if value_reference.property_name.find('[') >= 0 or value_reference.property_name.find(']') >= 0: continue # Will throw the correct exception if missing. other_protocol_object.get_value(value_reference) is_replicated_reference = False for replicator in self.replicators: if ((replicator.placeholder_id in protocol_id and replicator.placeholder_id in value_reference.protocol_path) or (replicator.placeholder_id not in protocol_id and replicator.placeholder_id not in value_reference.protocol_path)): continue is_replicated_reference = True break if is_replicated_reference: continue expected_input_type = protocol_object.get_attribute_type(source_path) expected_output_type = other_protocol_object.get_attribute_type(value_reference) if (expected_input_type is not None and expected_output_type is not None and not is_type_subclass_of_type(expected_output_type, expected_input_type)): raise Exception('The output type ({}) of {} does not match the requested ' 'input type ({}) of {}'.format(expected_output_type, value_reference, expected_input_type, source_path))