Source code for propertyestimator.utils.serialization

A collection of classes which aid in serializing data types.

import importlib
import inspect
import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np

from propertyestimator import unit
from propertyestimator.utils.quantities import EstimatedQuantity

def _type_string_to_object(type_string):

    if type_string == 'propertyestimator.unit.Unit':
        return unit.Unit
    if type_string == 'propertyestimator.unit.Quantity':
        return unit.Quantity

    last_period_index = type_string.rfind('.')

    if last_period_index < 0 or last_period_index == len(type_string) - 1:
        raise ValueError('The type string is invalid - it should be of the form '
                         'module_path.class_name: {}'.format(type_string))

    module_name = type_string[0:last_period_index]
    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)

    class_name = type_string[last_period_index + 1:]

    if class_name == 'NoneType':
        return None

    class_name_split = class_name.split('->')
    class_object = module

    while len(class_name_split) > 0:
        class_name_current = class_name_split.pop(0)
        class_object = getattr(class_object, class_name_current)

    return class_object

def _type_to_type_string(object_type):
    """Converts a type to a serializable string.

    object_type: type
        The type to convert.

        The converted type.

    if (issubclass(object_type, unit.Unit) or
        f'{object_type.__module__}.{object_type.__qualname__}' ==

        return 'propertyestimator.unit.Unit'
    if (issubclass(object_type, unit.Quantity) or
        f'{object_type.__module__}.{object_type.__qualname__}' ==

        return 'propertyestimator.unit.Quantity'

    qualified_name = object_type.__qualname__
    qualified_name = qualified_name.replace('.', '->')

    return_value = '{}.{}'.format(object_type.__module__, qualified_name)
    return return_value

def serialize_quantity(quantity):
    """Serializes a propertyestimator.unit.Quantity into a dictionary of the form
    `{'value': quantity.value_in_unit(quantity.unit), 'unit': quantity.unit}`

    quantity : unit.Quantity
        The quantity to serialize

    dict of str and str
        A dictionary representation of a propertyestimator.unit.Quantity
        with keys of {"value", "unit"}

    value = quantity.magnitude
    return {'value': value, 'unit': str(quantity.units)}

def deserialize_quantity(serialized):
    """Deserialize a propertyestimator.unit.Quantity from a dictionary.

    serialized : dict of str and str
        A dictionary representation of a propertyestimator.unit.Quantity
        which must have keys {"value", "unit"}

        The deserialized quantity.

    if '@type' in serialized:

    value_unit = unit.dimensionless

    if serialized['unit'] is not None:
        value_unit = unit(serialized['unit'])

    return serialized['value'] * value_unit

def deserialize_estimated_quantity(quantity_dictionary):
    Deserializes an EstimatedQuantity.

    quantity_dictionary : dict of str and Any
        Serialized representation of an EstimatedQuantity, generated by the
        `EstimatedQuantity.__getstate__` method


    if '@type' in quantity_dictionary:

    return_object = EstimatedQuantity(unit.Quantity(0.0), unit.Quantity(0.0), 'empty_source')

    return return_object

def serialize_force_field(force_field):
    """A method for turning an `openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff.ForceField`
    object into a dictionary of primitives.

    This method is subject to change when new force field formats become

    force_field: openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff.ForceField
        The force field to serialize.
    dict of str and str
        A dictionary containing an XML string representation of the
        force field.

    from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField

    if not isinstance(force_field, ForceField):
        raise ValueError('{} is not a ForceField'.format(type(force_field)))

    return_dictionary = {
        'xml': force_field.to_string(discard_cosmetic_attributes=False)

    return return_dictionary

def deserialize_force_field(force_field_dictionary):
    """A method for deserializing a force field which has been
    serialized as a dictionary by the `serialize_force_field` method.

    This method is subject to change when new force field formats become

    force_field_dictionary: dict of str and str
        A dictionary containing an XML string representation of the
        force field, with key 'xml'.

        The deserialized force field.

    from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField

    if '@type' in force_field_dictionary:

    xml_string = force_field_dictionary['xml']

    force_field = ForceField(xml_string, allow_cosmetic_attributes=True)
    return force_field

def serialize_enum(enum):

    if not isinstance(enum, Enum):
        raise ValueError('{} is not an Enum'.format(type(enum)))

    return {
        'value': enum.value

def deserialize_enum(enum_dictionary):

    if '@type' not in enum_dictionary:

        raise ValueError('The serialized enum dictionary must include'
                         'which type the enum is.')

    if 'value' not in enum_dictionary:

        raise ValueError('The serialized enum dictionary must include'
                         'the enum value.')

    enum_type_string = enum_dictionary['@type']
    enum_value = enum_dictionary['value']

    enum_class = _type_string_to_object(enum_type_string)

    if not issubclass(enum_class, Enum):
        raise ValueError('<{}> is not an Enum'.format(enum_class))

    return enum_class(enum_value)

def serialize_set(set_object):

    if not isinstance(set_object, set):
        raise ValueError('{} is not a set'.format(type(set)))

    return {
        'value': list(set_object)

def deserialize_set(set_dictionary):

    if 'value' not in set_dictionary:

        raise ValueError('The serialized set dictionary must include'
                         'the value of the set.')

    set_value = set_dictionary['value']

    if not isinstance(set_value, list):

        raise ValueError('The value of the serialized set must be a list.')

    return set(set_value)

def serialize_frozen_set(set_object):

    if not isinstance(set_object, frozenset):
        raise ValueError('{} is not a frozenset'.format(type(frozenset)))

    return {
        'value': list(set_object)

def deserialize_frozen_set(set_dictionary):

    if 'value' not in set_dictionary:

        raise ValueError('The serialized frozenset dictionary must include'
                         'the value of the set.')

    set_value = set_dictionary['value']

    if not isinstance(set_value, list):
        raise ValueError('The value of the serialized set must be a list.')

    return frozenset(set_value)

class TypedJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):

    _natively_supported_types = [
        dict, list, tuple, str, int, float, bool

    _custom_supported_types = {
        Enum: serialize_enum,
        unit.Quantity: serialize_quantity,
        'ForceField': serialize_force_field,
        set: serialize_set,
        frozenset: serialize_frozen_set,
        np.float16: lambda x: {'value': float(x)},
        np.float32: lambda x: {'value': float(x)},
        np.float64: lambda x: {'value': float(x)},
        np.int32: lambda x: {'value': int(x)},
        np.int64: lambda x: {'value': int(x)},
        np.ndarray: lambda x: {'value': x.tolist()},

    def default(self, value_to_serialize):

        if value_to_serialize is None:
            return None

        type_to_serialize = type(value_to_serialize)

        if type_to_serialize in TypedJSONEncoder._natively_supported_types:
            # If the value is a native type, then let the default serializer
            # handle it.
            return super(TypedJSONEncoder, self).default(value_to_serialize)

        # Otherwise, we need to add a @type attribute to it.
        type_tag = _type_to_type_string(type_to_serialize)
        serializable_dictionary = {}

        if type_tag == 'propertyestimator.unit.Unit':
            type_to_serialize = unit.Unit
        if type_tag == 'propertyestimator.unit.Quantity':
            type_to_serialize = unit.Quantity

        custom_encoder = None

        for encoder_type in TypedJSONEncoder._custom_supported_types:

            if isinstance(encoder_type, str):

                qualified_name = type_to_serialize.__qualname__
                qualified_name = qualified_name.replace('.', '->')

                if encoder_type != qualified_name:

            elif not issubclass(type_to_serialize, encoder_type):

            custom_encoder = TypedJSONEncoder._custom_supported_types[encoder_type]

        if custom_encoder is not None:

                serializable_dictionary = custom_encoder(value_to_serialize)

            except Exception as e:

                raise ValueError('{} ({}) could not be serialized '
                                 'using a specialized custom encoder: {}'.format(value_to_serialize,
                                                                                 type_to_serialize, e))

        elif hasattr(value_to_serialize, '__getstate__'):

                serializable_dictionary = value_to_serialize.__getstate__()

            except Exception as e:

                raise ValueError('{} ({}) could not be serialized '
                                 'using its __getstate__ method: {}'.format(value_to_serialize,
                                                                            type_to_serialize, e))


            raise ValueError('Objects of type {} are not serializable, please either'
                             'add a __getstate__ method, or add the object to the list'
                             'of custom supported types.'.format(type_to_serialize))

        serializable_dictionary['@type'] = type_tag
        return serializable_dictionary

class TypedJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs)

    _custom_supported_types = {
        Enum: deserialize_enum,
        unit.Quantity: deserialize_quantity,
        EstimatedQuantity: deserialize_estimated_quantity,
        'ForceField': deserialize_force_field,
        set: deserialize_set,
        frozenset: deserialize_frozen_set,
        np.float16: lambda x: np.float16(x['value']),
        np.float32: lambda x: np.float32(x['value']),
        np.float64: lambda x: np.float64(x['value']),
        np.int32: lambda x: np.int32(x['value']),
        np.int64: lambda x: np.int64(x['value']),
        np.ndarray: lambda x: np.array(x['value'])

    def object_hook(object_dictionary):

        if '@type' not in object_dictionary:
            return object_dictionary

        type_string = object_dictionary['@type']
        class_type = _type_string_to_object(type_string)

        deserialized_object = None

        custom_decoder = None

        for decoder_type in TypedJSONDecoder._custom_supported_types:

            if isinstance(decoder_type, str):

                if decoder_type != class_type.__qualname__:

            elif not issubclass(class_type, decoder_type):

            custom_decoder = TypedJSONDecoder._custom_supported_types[decoder_type]

        if custom_decoder is not None:

                deserialized_object = custom_decoder(object_dictionary)

            except Exception as e:

                raise ValueError('{} ({}) could not be deserialized '
                                 'using a specialized custom decoder: {}'.format(object_dictionary,
                                                                                 type(class_type), e))

        elif hasattr(class_type, '__setstate__'):


                class_init_signature = inspect.signature(class_type)

                for parameter in class_init_signature.parameters.values():

                    if (parameter.default != inspect.Parameter.empty or
                        parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD or
                        parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL):


                    raise ValueError('Cannot deserialize objects which have '
                                     'non-optional arguments {} in the constructor: {}.'.format(,

                deserialized_object = class_type()

            except Exception as e:

                raise ValueError('{} ({}) could not be deserialized '
                                 'using its __setstate__ method: {}'.format(object_dictionary,
                                                                            type(class_type), e))


            raise ValueError('Objects of type {} are not deserializable, please either'
                             'add a __setstate__ method, or add the object to the list'
                             'of custom supported types.'.format(type(class_type)))

        return deserialized_object

class TypedBaseModel(ABC):
    """An abstract base class which represents any object which
    can be serialized to JSON.

    JSON produced using this class will include extra @type tags
    for any non-primitive typed values (e.g not a str, int...),
    which ensure that the correct class structure is correctly
    reproduced on deserialization.


    It is a requirement that any classes inheriting from this one
    must implement a valid `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` method,
    as these are what determines the structure of the serialized

    def json(self):
        """Creates a JSON representation of this class.

            The JSON representation of this class.
        json_string = json.dumps(self, cls=TypedJSONEncoder)
        return json_string

    def parse_json(cls, string_contents, encoding='utf8'):
        """Parses a typed json string into the corresponding class

        string_contents: str or bytes
            The typed json string.
        encoding: str
            The encoding of the `string_contents`.

            The parsed class.
        return_object = json.loads(string_contents, encoding=encoding, cls=TypedJSONDecoder)
        return return_object

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Returns a dictionary representation of this object.

        dict of str, Any
            The dictionary representation of this object.

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Sets the fields of this object from its dictionary representation.

        state: dict of str, Any
            The dictionary representation of the object.