Source code for

Properties base API.

import uuid
from enum import IntFlag, unique

from propertyestimator.utils.serialization import TypedBaseModel

[docs]@unique class PropertyPhase(IntFlag): """An enum describing the phase a property was collected in. """ Undefined = 0x00 Solid = 0x01 Liquid = 0x02 Gas = 0x04 def __str__(self): """ Returns --- str A string representation of the PropertyPhase enum """ phases = '|'.join([ for phase in PropertyPhase if self & phase]) return phases def __repr__(self): """ Returns --- str A string representation of the PropertyPhase enum """ return str(self)
[docs]class Source(TypedBaseModel): """Container class for information about how a property was measured / calculated. .. todo:: Swap this out with a more general provenance class. """ def __getstate__(self): return {} def __setstate__(self, state): pass
[docs]class MeasurementSource(Source): """Contains any metadata about how a physical property was measured by experiment. This class contains either the DOI and/or the reference, but must contain at least one as the observable must have a source, even if it was measured in lab. Attributes ---------- doi : str or None, default None The DOI for the source, preferred way to identify for source reference : str The long form description of the source if no DOI is available, or more information is needed or wanted. """
[docs] def __init__(self, doi='', reference=''): """Constructs a new MeasurementSource object. Parameters ---------- doi : str or None, default None The DOI for the source, preferred way to identify for source reference : str The long form description of the source if no DOI is available, or more information is needed or wanted. """ self.doi = doi self.reference = reference
def __getstate__(self): return { 'doi': self.doi, 'reference': self.reference, } def __setstate__(self, state): self.doi = state['doi'] self.reference = state['reference']
[docs]class CalculationSource(Source): """Contains any metadata about how a physical property was calculated. This includes at which fidelity the property was calculated at (e.g Direct simulation, reweighting, ...) in addition to the parameters which were used as part of the calculations. Attributes ---------- fidelity : str The fidelity at which the property was calculated provenance : dict of str and Any A dictionary containing information about how the property was calculated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fidelity=None, provenance=None): """Constructs a new CalculationSource object. Parameters ---------- fidelity : str The fidelity at which the property was calculated provenance : dict of str and Any A dictionary containing information about how the property was calculated. """ = fidelity self.provenance = provenance
def __getstate__(self): return { 'fidelity':, 'provenance': self.provenance, } def __setstate__(self, state): = state['fidelity'] self.provenance = state['provenance']
[docs]class ParameterGradientKey: @property def tag(self): return self._tag @property def smirks(self): return self._smirks @property def attribute(self): return self._attribute
[docs] def __init__(self, tag=None, smirks=None, attribute=None): self._tag = tag self._smirks = smirks self._attribute = attribute
def __getstate__(self): return { 'tag': self._tag, 'smirks': self._smirks, 'attribute': self._attribute } def __setstate__(self, state): self._tag = state['tag'] self._smirks = state['smirks'] self._attribute = state['attribute'] def __str__(self): return f'tag={self._tag} smirks={self._smirks} attribute={self._attribute}' def __repr__(self): return f'<ParameterGradientKey {str(self)}>' def __hash__(self): return hash((self._tag, self._smirks, self._attribute)) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, ParameterGradientKey) and self._tag == other._tag and self._smirks == other._smirks and self._attribute == other._attribute) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class ParameterGradient: @property def key(self): return self._key @property def value(self): return self._value
[docs] def __init__(self, key=None, value=None): self._key = key self._value = value
def __getstate__(self): return { 'key': self._key, 'value': self._value, } def __setstate__(self, state): self._key = state['key'] self._value = state['value'] def __str__(self): return f'key=({self._key}) value={self._value}' def __repr__(self): return f'<ParameterGradient key={self._key} value={self._value}>'
[docs]class PhysicalProperty(TypedBaseModel): """Represents the value of any physical property and it's uncertainty. It additionally stores the thermodynamic state at which the property was collected, the phase it was collected in, information about the composition of the observed system, and metadata about how the property was collected. """
[docs] def __init__(self, thermodynamic_state=None, phase=PropertyPhase.Undefined, substance=None, value=None, uncertainty=None, gradients=None, source=None): """Constructs a new PhysicalProperty object. Parameters ---------- thermodynamic_state : ThermodynamicState The thermodynamic state that the property was measured in. phase : PropertyPhase The phase that the property was measured in. substance : Substance The composition of the substance that was measured. value: unit.Quantity The value of the measured physical property. uncertainty: unit.Quantity The uncertainty in the measured value. source: Source The source of this property. """ = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.thermodynamic_state = thermodynamic_state self.phase = phase self.substance = substance self.value = value self.uncertainty = uncertainty self.gradients = [] self.source = source self._metadata = {}
def __getstate__(self): return { 'id':, 'thermodynamic_state': self.thermodynamic_state, 'phase': self.phase, 'substance': self.substance, 'value': self.value, 'uncertainty': self.uncertainty, 'gradients': self.gradients, 'source': self.source, 'metadata': self._metadata } def __setstate__(self, state): = state['id'] self.thermodynamic_state = state['thermodynamic_state'] self.phase = state['phase'] self.substance = state['substance'] self.value = state['value'] self.uncertainty = state['uncertainty'] self.gradients = state['gradients'] self.source = state['source'] self._metadata = state['metadata'] @property def temperature(self): """propertyestimator.unit.Quantity or None: The temperature at which the property was collected.""" return None if self.thermodynamic_state is None else self.thermodynamic_state.temperature @property def pressure(self): """propertyestimator.unit.Quantity or None: The pressure at which the property was collected.""" return None if self.thermodynamic_state is None else self.thermodynamic_state.pressure @property def metadata(self): """dict of str and Any: Additional metadata associated with this property, such as file paths to coordinate files or ... All property metadata will be made accessible to property estimation workflows. """ return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, value): self._metadata = value
[docs] def set_value(self, value, uncertainty): """Set the value and uncertainty of this property. Parameters ---------- value : propertyestimator.unit.Quantity The value of the property. uncertainty : propertyestimator.unit.Quantity The uncertainty in the properties value. """ self.value = value self.uncertainty = uncertainty
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_workflow_schema(calculation_layer, options=None): """Returns the default workflow schema to use for a specific calculation layer. Parameters ---------- calculation_layer: str The calculation layer which will attempt to execute the workflow defined by this schema. options: WorkflowOptions The options to use when setting up the default workflows. Returns ------- WorkflowSchema The default workflow schema. """ raise NotImplementedError()